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Polictical Action - Stimulus package February 2009

To All CHTU Members:
As I’m sure you know Congress is working on an economic recovery plan, and the fate of many important programs such as Title I, IDEA, Head Start, and Pell Grants hangs in the balance. According to the data we have received from AFT, our CH-UH District would receive $4 million in additional funding over the next two years for Title I, and IDEA support in the House version of the bill. However, the Senate version has drastically reduced this funding
Congress is working furiously to complete work on an economic recovery plan. I am asking you to take action on behalf of the children we serve, because the most important voice in this debate is yours.  
We know Senator Sherrod Brown is with us, we need to put the pressure on Senator Voinovich, so ask for his office when you reach the congressional switchboard.
Call your senators and representative and tell them to support the House-passed funding levels in the final conference package:
Restore cuts made in vital education programs.
Urge conferees to restore cuts to early childhood education ($1 billion), school modernization and infrastructure assistance for K-12 and higher education facilities ($19.5 billion), and Title I ($600 million).
ReinstateState Fiscal Stabilization Fund to $79 billion.
This fund will restore cuts in state aid to school districts and public universities. It will help maintain and create new jobs for thousands of educators, nurses, construction workers and college students.
Support the House version for Medicaid assistance.
The Senate and House versions of the bill provide $87 billion in Medicaid assistance and allow flexibility for state budgets to fund other essential programs. The House formula guides relief to states with the highest rates of unemployment and the greatest need.
Call your senators and
representative at: 866/327-8670.
Join the fight for America’s future!
Tom Schmida, President

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