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CHTU March 18, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Going on strike is a last resort.  Imagine then how bad things must be for the teachers in Strongsville to cause them to strike.  Imagine how you would react if, in addition to not receiving step and cost of living raises and paying more for medical coverage, no respect was given to you on non-economic issues.  Strongsville teachers went for 9 months without a contract, hoping in vain that things could be worked out before they called their strike.

Today marks the beginning of the third week out on the streets for our colleagues.  At our Local 795 Executive Board meeting on Thursday, there was strong support expressed for asking our members for donations to send to their strike fund.  As a matter of fact, some donations have already been received.

Our pay this Friday will contain an extra day of pay that is a part of our contract – the second of two Independent Professional Activity Days.  For a teacher on the first step it is a little more than $200.  Can you spare a part of this extra day’s pay for the teachers in Strongsville?  They have gone 10 days without pay so far and things will be getting tight.

Please send checks made out to CHTU.  Put “Strongsville” in the memo.  No matter how much you send, it will be greatly appreciated and it will make a difference.

In Solidarity,

Ari Klein

CHTU President

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