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CHTU Update - 8.17.18 payroll

Dear Colleagues,

The pay stub for August 17 represents the last pay for the 2017-18 school year.  You may have noticed that the sick and personal balances have not changed since June.  This is a mistake that I have been told they are working on.
We should see 9.375 hours (1.25 days) added every month (including July and August)
22.5 hours (3 days) of personal leave get added in the beginning of the a new school year - the August 31 pay.
Any personal leave balance over 37.5 hours (5 days) should carry over into sick leave.
Additionally, the next pay - August 31, is the first pay of the new school year which should reflect a 1.5% increase on the base as well as step increases.  Being the 3rd pay of a month there will be no deductions for medical, union dues, or credit union, so it will be a little higher than usual for the new year.
I was hoping the new payroll system that was instituted this summer would make things better, but now I am not so sure.
See you at Convocation.  Wear a CHTU Shirt and we will see if 795 is in the house.
Ari Klein
CHTU President

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