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CHTU Update 9.27.16

Dear Colleagues,
On October 6 the Heights Coalition, PTA Council, and CHTU are sponsoring a Walk In at our buildings.  Come together for ten minutes before the start of the school day on October 6 to support our students and staff, to celebrate public education, and to proclaim What Matters Most to Us about our public schools.  The event will coincide with a national day of action sponsored by AROS, the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools.
Please participate in this upbeat and positive event that gives us a chance to show out support for public education at home and across the nation.  Teams of teachers are working to coordinate this event at most buildings.  There will also be PTA and levy representatives that will take part.  PLEASE WEAR A CHTU T-SHIRT ON OCTOBER 6 as part of this event.

Speaking of important community partners, I urge all teachers to become a member of PTA in your building.  For $5 you can show that you are part of the "T" in PTA.  Try to attend at least one meeting this school year.  Parents take notice and appreciate staff being part of the PTA.  Every building should have at least one teacher rep at PTA meetings at all times.  I know that I enjoy my participation as part of PTA Council.  PTA does important work in our district and we should show our support.

In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President


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