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CHTU Update - April 12, 2018 about Day of Action 4/20

Dear Colleagues,

I am sure you have been reading about Friday, April 20 being a day of action.  At our officer meeting yesterday we decided that a simple action to support the efforts of our students in protesting gun violence is to wear Orange.  Orange is the color of the resistance to gun violence.  I am giving you a weeks warning because many people do not have a large selection of orange clothing, so please plan ahead.
Students at the high school are planning a walk out around 10:00.  They are trying to include the middle school, but I am not sure how that will work.  The least we can do it wear orange to show support.
If you are interested in more resources I have pasted links below.
Happy Pay Day.
Ari Klein
CHTU President
ps.  If you don't have any orange clothing, perhaps an orange accessory or ribbon will stand out.

·         Day of Action resources from AFT -

·         Day of Action resources from the Network for Public Education -  (THIS IS ARI'S FAVORITE)

·         Pledge to Take Action Against Gun Violence in Schools -

A number of resources are available to help teachers address the issue with students:

·         Share My Lesson (SML) has an extensive catalogue of resources on gun violence -

·         The National Council for the Social Studies​ has developed a list of resources of articles and videos from NPR to The New York Times to the March for Our Lives website that can be used primarily with high school age students -

·         The American Psychological Association has tips for addressing the topic of gun violence -

·         Scholastic has also put together resources to use with students -

See the AFT resolution on Gun Violence Prevention And School Safety.


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