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HiberNation - CHTU Update March 20, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Looks like we are going to make it past our first COVID 19 closure week.
After work hours today starts Spring Break.  Enjoy - as much as you can.  I am sure your plans for break have probably changed from several weeks ago - I know mine and Karen's have.
If you are in an emergency bind for money from your credit union account email or Josephine Shelton-Townes ( to make arrangements.  As you saw in today's life cycle Debbie's husband Jeff passed away today, so Josephine or Carole Dooner will probably do their best to help you out.  As an added challenge the Delisle building is closed so they are being creative.
The closure plan and Letter of Understanding we have with the Board expires April 9, so if the Ohio school closure is extended we will work to come up with a new agreement around working conditions.  I hope that what we agreed to thus far has been reasonable and balances well with taking care of yourselves and your families.
We will deal with the next phase of this crisis as it comes and try to learn from what we have done so far.
Have a wonderful spring break. I could try to give you sage advice, but chances are you already know what you have to do to cope with this strange situation.
Stay well and in touch.
Ari Klein
CHTU President

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