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Executive Board Minutes - 12/16/2021

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting

Thursday, December 16, 2021

4:30 P.M. Zoom


OfficersK. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche,, B. AmmonJ. Bennet, D. Frost (M), J. Shelton-Townes

High School (HH): M. Mrazek, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski, H. Rasul, V. Larkins-Forte, G. Nachman, J. Boris

Middle School:  L. Lorek (M), M. Searcy (M), M. Friedman (R), D. Hershmann-Rossi (R), W. Ward-Price (R)

Elementary: G. Gee (F), N. Davis (C), K. Hodson (O), D. Hirsch (RE), S. Malek (G), T. White (N)

Other: M. Mazzone (St.Serv), A. Klein (Past President)

Absent:  S. Austin, Y. Wallace (Anc), K. Cooper (Delisle), S. Glenn (Monitors), M. Johnson (Monitors), N. Williams (HH), K. Minnillo (B), D. MacDonald (Ret)


  1. Call to Order - Roll Call 
  2. Secretary’s Minutes Motion by T. Reynolds, Second D. Lausche, Motion carries
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. HS - Climate and culture are at all time low, COVID rates are going through the roof, lockdowns, first threat on Dec 6, next two days on remote, held students for two periods and then dismissed by floor, second threat was Dec 13, has been on remote through winter break, this lockdown was a terrible mess, was only third period and exit was not executed well, led to a dangerous situation, pickup procedure was unclear at best
      2. MS - Communication regarding emergencies is poor, Monticello staff did not get notified about the school to remote learning due to social media threat on December 15, kids are getting called down for quarantine, buildings are not clean, mitigation strategies are not being utilize, fights and safety are a major concern
      3. Elementary - K2 does not have take home technology, there needs to be a calamity day, students are intentionally being sent to school sick, parents are not extending courtesy to others, elementary have not received information about any of the events in other buildings
    2. Vice-President - Our old logo apparel sale is still going, it has been a success, there are still lots of polo shirts available for sale; D. Hershman-Rossi is the political director of 795 and is looking for members of the legislative committee, this is open to any member of 795


  1. President
    1. Old Business
      1. CHTU Gives Back link
      2. New Logo Apparel for Members
      3. Committee Reports submitted - Don’t throw away your FSA cards until they expire
      4. Pause emails, don’t think about school over break
    2. New Business
      1. Possible actions- Covid? Safety?
        1. Roxboro has been described as riot like, three 795 members have been assaulted, possible actions being considered are a presence at a school board meeting, open letters, etc…, Summit has been increasingly hostile toward the reality of our schools
      2. Strike committee - D. Lausche is suggesting to solicit names for the formation of the strike committee, one person for each building to stay nimble
      3. Possible LOU’s
        1. T. Underhile motions, D. Frost seconds to approve substitute LOU - Motion passes
        2. Tutors - B. Ammon motion, M. Freidman second to approve tutor LOU
          1. B. Ammon motion to postpone vote until changes are made and a digital vote can take place, second J. Shelton-Townes, motion passed

Motion to adjourn B. Ammon @ 6:13, second T. Gray - motion passes 

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