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Executive Board Minutes - April 20, 2022

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting

Thursday, April 21, 2022

In Person @ Union Office

4:00 P.M.


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, D. Frost, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, J. Shelton-Townes
  • High School (HH):  M. Mrazek, Q.Tucker, V. Larkins-Forte,, Gary Wroboleski, N. Williams
  • Middle School:  M. Searcy (M), L. Lorek (M), D. Hershmann-Rossi (R), W. Ward 
  • Elementary:   N. Davis (C), G. Gee (F), T. White (N), K. Hodson (O), D. Hirsch (RE), K. Minillo (B) 
  •  A. Klein , M. Mazzone (St. Services) C. Meier (Ancillaries)

Absent: J. Boris (HH), S. Austin (R), H. Rasul (HH) , S. Glenn (Monitors), M. Johnson (Monitors), G. Nachman (HH), J. Boris (HH), M. Friedman (R), S. Malek (G), K. Cooper (Delisle), B.Ammon, D. Macdonald

  1. Call to Order - Meeting began at 4:03 PM 
  2. Secretary Minutes from March 
    1. Motioned by: T. Underhile
    2. Seconded by: J. Shelton
    3. Motion passes - Minutes approved
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Debbie Frost
        1. Assault Leave - who is responsible for lesson plans?
          1. Not the teacher nor role alike
          2. There should be a sub
            1. Ed Services Issue - contact admin
          3. Make sure members who have been assaulted - make sure it is reported
        2. Teachers need access to a locked cabinet at both middle schools
          1. Member’s car was stolen
        3. Inconsistent Discipline
          1. Union Leadership asked at summit for a SCOC refresh (Run by teachers and principals)
          2. K. Hodson asked about how to know what which consequence to issue in SCOC
        4. Students coming back from Alternative to Expulsion (AEP) school are not having a re-entry meeting
          1. T. Underhile will reach out to Chris
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. Request to go back to Trimesters or fight for full report card at Semesters and interim at the end of the quarter
          1. We need consistent guidance across all buildings
          2. Would like to form our own committee for report cards
          3. SPED students - already get IEP progress reports; how are they to be graded (some being told to give no less than C)
        2. Co Teaching Concern for Next year
          1. Co-teaching schedule created by a “guru”
          2. Concerns about putting all SPED kids in one room and gifted in one room
          3. No planning for co teaching
          4. Intervention Specialists being spread across many grades
        3. ELA Piloting
          1. Listening to ONE person as opposed to the committee
          2. Not representation from ALL grade levels
      3. High School - K. Pavel
        1. Thankful for admin this year
        2. Many teachers have a need for lanyards (can we get some?)
        3. A reminder for all members that Security monitors (our members) do not get compensatory days and don’t get paid  (remind to pick up overnight pay)
        4. Counselors have been bombarded by OST and members are afraid to talk to the counselors directly.  They are co workers and not admin.
        5. Testing schedule is horrendous for students and teachers.  Three weeks of distributions and three different bell schedules in a week.  Routines are disrupted. 
          1. Would TAP be a better place for the schedule to be made?
    2. Vice-President
      1. CHTU Apparel orders - building reps can take and distribute to members (Email Tiffiny with any errors); Some items didn’t get delivered and they will be coming ASAP
        1. New order next year (maybe include lanyards?)
        2. Banquet - currently have 40 registered, would like to have at least 150 attend. 
          1. Promote it to members 
    3. President
      1. Pay attention to House Bills (616); A lot are very scary
      2. Tentative Assignments have come out 
      3. Postings that were sent out (not a all resignations, but many new positions); if a member wants a new position, they must apply and interview (through building administrator); some positions are funded by ESSR money (could be a limited position)
    4. Treasurer
      1. J. Bennett reviewed the Quarter 3 Budget
        1. Should be around 75% this time of year
        2. Budget Balance as of March 31, 2022
        3. COPE —>Piped to AFT—--> Electronically put back in the PEF account where it can be spent for campaigns and COPE brunch, etc
        4. North Shore
          1. Many Starbucks are starting to Unionize! (Eastside - University Circle & Mayfield  & Lee) When you give your name, mention that you are a union member Westside (w. 6 and Clifton
          2. Check Voting Locations
          3. Executive Secretary for AFL-CIO (Dan O’Malley) appointed to Port Authority by Mayor Bibb
          4. AFL-CIO made it happen for Unionized positions for International Film 
  4. Old Business
    1. Banquet Baskets
      1. T. Reynolds - Each building needs to get a raffle basket for scholarship for Glenn Auschult (a past 795 president) - for a student who will pursue a career with kids
      2. Doesn’t need to be elaborate; would like to have one for each school
      3. Tickets will be sold the night of the banquet
      4. Tom Schmida Award will also be given 
    2. STRS ballot - Julie Sellers
      1. Remind everyone to vote!
  5. New Business
    1. MetLife
      1. Will be new disability and life insurance company (current plan expires May 1 with Voya)
    2. Steward Elections
      1. Revised March 16, 2022
      2. Election for Steward first and then TAP election
    3. ULI
      1. Wisconsin - June 26-30
        1. Ray Peck Scholarship through OFT to pay for expenses
        2. N. Davis and W. Price
      2. Deer Creek State Park - June 21-23
        1. D. Lausche is co-facilitating
        2. Executive Board Members interested to let K. Rego know
    4. Constitution Committee - Miranda Faust, Lisa Husain, Mark Mrazek
      1. Needs updated 
    5. Tenured teacher up for termination
      1. Based on Evaluations and Plans
        1. Options - Could Resign; last chance agreement; or terminated 

       6.  Action Items   - none

7.  Motion to Adjourned by D. Lausche; Seconded by K. Hodson; meeting adjourned at 5:22 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, Canterbury Steward

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