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Executive Board Minutes - January 2023

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting
Thursday January 19, 2023
Virtual on Zoom
4:30 PM


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes, T. Gray
  • High School (HH):  V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski, J. Boris, M. Johnson
  • Monitors: 
  • Middle School:  M. Friedman, L. Lorek, Q. Teer, K. Marbury
  • Elementary:   N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, C. Young, T. White, K. Minnillo, S. Malek, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch
  • Ancillaries: 
  • Delisle: K. Cooper
  • Student Services: M. Cecconi, A. Mazzone
  • Retiree Liaison: D. MacDonald
  • Immediate Past President: A. Klein
  • Tom Schmida

Absent: N. Williams, L. Hill, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Spears, K. Cooper

  1. Call to Order at 4:55 pm  after Divisional Meetings
  2. Secretary Minutes from December 2022
    1. T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the December 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by M. Friedman; Voice Vote; Motion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Wendy Ward Woodard (T. Underhile)
        1. OTES 2.0 Evaluation issues around who is on a full cycle or not
        2. High quality data differs among different buildings
        3. Records Day at Roxboro - items assigned during records day
        4. Student Behavior and Discipline Concerns
          1. Many behavior plans in 6th Grade at Rox Mid
          2. Timeliness of decisions around discipline 
        5. ROX BLT concern - a lot of time for additional meetings for Equity
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. Concerns around report cards (window, when the window is decided, timing of window with quarter ending (window opens prior to quarter ending).
        2. Timing of assessments and how they fit into the pacing guide in addition to multiple assessments due at the same time, in addition to MAP assessments
        3. Public Works trainings continue to roll in with no time to complete
        4. Concern around switching to new IPDP system 
          1. In the meantime scan and send to Carla Morris
        5. BLT - Different missions in different buildings
          1. Some buildings meeting more than one time a month to plan PD; create slideshows for Equity and/or Board Walkthroughs
        6. Concerns with different approaches that the Success Tutors are being used
      3. High School & Options - C. Pavel 
        1. Music Dept with no dedicated Secretary (low pay) and then has a cascading effect; (i.e. no monitors at music events)
        2. Grade Changes - A. Byrd wants notified of any grade changes via building administrator
        3. This Semester - now program (CROP) - mini credit recovery - instead of taking the entire course again, they can have the opportunity to make up tests (with an admin) and then have a chance to pass the course (how will this work with AP?)
        4. Delisle - One Security Officer
        5. Growing escalation of behaviors; students are not responding to teacher redirection in the hallways
    2. Vice-President
      1. New insurance cards came in January (back of the card is different; especially for out of state coverage)
      2. Progressive Lense coverage is now available ($205)
      3. FSA Medical - Save receipts 
    3. President
      1. OFT - In need of a Director of Professional Issues (Rego will send to Executive Board and then publish to entire membership)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. J. Bennett shared out the Quarter 2 Budget Report
  5. Old Business
    1. PD/Records Days
      1. Jan. 30th - NOT Remote (in Buildings)
      2. Records Days need to be looked at closer
  6. New Business  
    1. Threats made by students
      1. Report threats on this form to inform union leadership; referrals need to be written for threats by students 
    2. Recording of parent contact for conferences (all 795 members must record extra time  because of our comp days)
    3. 200 day employees
      1. Form filled out for 15 extra hours of work outside of normal workday (this is separate from conferences)
    4. Assault Leave 
      1. Any injury to a teacher by a student is an assault; whether it's negatively intentional or not. 
      2. Teachers should leave the workplace in the same condition that they arrived to work in.
    5. Membership
      1. Member to Member conflicts
      2. What can be done if a member is concerned about another member?
        1. Have a crucial conversation.
        2. Mediation
        3. Stewards can help members understand how it is impacting them or not.
    6. Please Promote ER&D 
    7. VESI - Through Ursuline College $225 for three classes (3 credits each)

      6.  Action Items - None

D. Lausche motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by T. Underhile; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at  6:06 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary

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