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Executive Board Minutes - March 16, 2023

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting
Thursday March 16, 2023
Union Office
4:00 PM


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, C. Pavel, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, T. Gray
  • High School (HH):  V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
  • Monitors: 
  • Middle School:  M. Friedman, L. Lorek, Q. Teer, K. Marbury
  • Elementary:   N. Davis, G. Gee, K. Minnillo, D. Hirsch, S. Malek
  • Ancillaries: L. Hill
  • Delisle:
  • Student Services: M. Cecconi, A. Mazzone
  • Retiree Liaison: 
  • Immediate Past President:
  • Tom Schmida

Absent: N. Williams, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Spears, D. MacDonald, J. Shelton-Towns; W. Ward Woodard, K. Hodson, K. Duhanich, K. Cooper, G. Nachman, J. Boris, C. Young, T. White, M. Cecconi, D. MacDonald, A. Klein

  1. Call to Order at 4:28pm  after Divisional Meetings
  2. Secretary Minutes from February 2023
    1. D.Lausche moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the February 2023 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by T. Underhile ; Voice Vote; Motion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - T. Underhile (for W. Woodard)
        1. Behaviors
          1. Discipline doesn’t match consequences
          2. Hall Walking
          3. Some consequences being reversed
        2. Staff need a break
        3. Title IV - Is it an excuse to not discipline?
        4. More staff is needed
        5. Students lacking physical boundaries
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. Behavior Concerns
          1. Students removed from rooms that will have a sub for the day.
          2. Hesitation to deal with discipline issues 
        2. New Reading Series
          1. Three different programs to cover three areas of literacy
          2. Concerns around roll out and training before summer
        3. Cleanliness in buildings
          1. Substitutes needed to cover absences to deal with issues and emergencies
      3. High School & Options - C. Pavel 
        1. Scheduling of conferences (done by Ed. Services) seems too late in the quarter
        2. Need of counselors to support Drugs and Alcohol
        3. Building union meeting held on 3/13/23
          1. Discussions around assault leave and paid administrative leave
          2. Talked about ideas and suggestions moving forward
        4. Concerns around teacher’s leaving district for new jobs
    2. Vice-President
      1. Intervention Specialist Concerns Presentation was presented to Summit on 3/10/23 with recommendations for solutions
        1. A committee is to be formed of Intervention Specialists to sit with administration
    3. President
      1. Need more participation for the Reaching Heights Spelling Bee Team for May 10th.
  4. Old Business
    1. PD - Grievance filed
      1. PD can be in half day or whole day increments.  Other PD is limited to 4 hours per school year. 
    2. Paid Administrative Leave Update
      1. No work when members on leave with exception of lesson plans
    3. Union Lunch - Schedule
      1. Look for more information in April 
  5. New Business  
    1. Spring Social
      1. Not a banquet, rather a stepped up TUSH
      2. April 21st @ CLE Urban Winery 4:00-6:30
      3. Raffles and Door Prizes 
      4. Free for members 
    2. Special Education Presentation (discussed above)
    3. Other new business 
      1. J. Bennett moves to transfer $50,000 from checking to a 12 month CD paying 4%.  Seconded by D. Lausche. Voice vote; Motion Approves
      2. Computer bills being issued to members for broken computers
    4. Remind members of ER&D deadline

      6.  Action Items 


T. Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by M. Friedman; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary

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