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Executive Board Update - 11/17/2021

Dear Colleagues,

This Thursday we will have our November Executive Board meeting at 4:30 through Zoom.  All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.  On our agenda we will discuss SCOC concerns, the selling our vintage shirts, new logo apparel, CHTU gives back campaign among many other items.  Next week we have our compensatory on Wednesday and Thanksgiving break Thursday and Friday.  I hope you spend this time with your family and friends doing what gives you the rest and relaxation you so greatly deserve.  We encourage all of you to pause your school email inbox and take a true break.

In Union,

Karen Rego

CHTU President


ARC (Appraisal Review Committee):  The October meeting was canceled.  The next meeting is scheduled for December 1.  If you volunteered for two cycles this year in exchange for a one-cycle next year, you will be required to do a two-cycle next year by the state.  Make sure that you stick to your cycle schedule.

DISCIPLINE (SCOC):  The next SCOC meeting is scheduled for December 8.  President Rego asked for referrals from all buildings so that we could examine referrals, how they are coded, and the dispositions they have been assigned. We were denied access to referrals. We asked for a separate meeting with  Mr. Williams, and he has yet to schedule one.  

INSURANCE:  We have learned that the employee contributions will not change for next year.  Our current pay deduction for benefits will stay the same for 2022.

MOBILIZATION: Please show your solidarity by wearing a CHTU shirt on Monday, November 22, and Tuesday, November 23.  Please also “Work-to-Rule '' on these days by walking in together at the normal workday start time and walking out together at the normal workday end time.  

We had 5 winners in our Boss Dog Brewery Raffle.  Congratulations to Elizabeth McDonald, Jennifer Bennett, Stephanie Norman, Darrell Lausche, and John Holdeman who each will win a prize!

OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers) - We received notice that the OFT Convention will be held in person this year, and is scheduled for February 24 - 26 in Columbus.  

A survey about the upcoming 2022 primary elections for Senate & Governor was prepared by OFT.  This survey is anonymous. OFT  would like as many of its members as possible to complete it. OFT wants to know our members' views on the upcoming election before any formal endorsements are made.  Use this link to share your thoughts. 

SUMMIT:  - Summit was held on Friday, November 12.  We discussed student behavior problems, Title IX, Thanksgiving Week, Tiger Virtual Academy, and The Safe Schools Committee.  We are unhappy with the response we got to the referral concerns we presented.  The administration informed the Union that we don’t have all the information regarding the resolutions of referrals and accused us of making dangerous assumptions about referrals, especially the ones that cited sexual misconduct.  We believe that many referrals are not handled properly and will continue if we don’t take a unified stance.  We will keep you informed of any actions.

1.  Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices 

An Administration-Union Concern was filed on behalf of our school psychologists. They are short-staffed, and even if the Board fills the open positions, caseloads remain excessive.  The meeting was held on Tuesday, September 14.  Dr. Lombardo agreed that we need more school psychologists, but stated that we have open positions posted for which no one is applying.  A follow-up meeting was on October 20.  We received an unsatisfactory response from Dr. Lombardo on October 28, 2021. We are organizing our psychs to “Work To Rule.” This means that they will not work beyond their normal day and will not accept anymore voluntary and compensated after-hours work. 

 A step 2 grievance was held on July 13, 2021, for a member that received a suspension regarding virtual attendance.  We received an unfavorable response. and filed for a Step 3 mediation on August 25, 2021.  Mediation is scheduled for December 15, 2021.

A step 2 class grievance was filed by CHTU on September 21, 2021, over the Board’s failure to properly provide substitutes.  President Rego and 1st Vice President Underhile met with Dr. Lombardo on October 12.  The grievance was denied on October 26 and our mediation is scheduled for December 8, 2021.

A step 2 grievance was filed by Vice President Underhile on November 9, 2021, for having her Infinite Campus access removed.  This is a violation of the LOU that was signed on July 28, 2021, and is also a violation of recognized rules or practices.  A step 2 grievance hearing is scheduled for November 30, 2021.

2.  Fact-Findings/Discipline

a) A member was called into a fact-finding on October 5, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive or offensive comments.  The member received an official reprimand

b) A member was called into a fact-finding on October 5, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct and lack of teamwork.  We are waiting for a disposition.

c) A member was called into a fact-finding on October 26, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct.  The member received non-disciplinary counseling.

A member was called into a fact-finding on October 8, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, and offensive conduct and breach of chain of command protocols.  The member received non-disciplinary counseling.  

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