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Executive Board Update - March 9, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that our membership ratified our three year contract extension with an acceptance of 92%.  Our monitor's contract had an acceptance of 100%.  It is a relief to have a three year contract that begins the 2022 school year.  Tomorrow will be our Executive Board meeting and will be held virtually beginning at 4:30.  You can join us through zoom.


ARC (Appraisal Review Committee):   No new information at this time. 

ER&D:  This spring ER&D  courses will instead  be offered this summer. Please see  this google doc for more information.

DISCIPLINE (SCOC):   The next meeting has yet to be scheduled.  The new “District Safe Schools Advisory” Committee normally  meets monthly.  The February meeting was canceled.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 22.

PTA:  Please consider joining your building PTA.  

INSURANCE:  The next Insurance Committee meeting is scheduled for March 9 at 1:30.    

MOBILIZATION:  CHTU annual Union lunches are coming to your buildings on dates to be determined  in March or April.  You will receive a google form to sign up for lunch a few days prior to your scheduled  date .  We have a number of topics to cover and we also want to use the time to hear from our members. We will be encouraging members to sign up for COPE or increase their contributions. We will  have COPE forms available.

OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers):   The OFT Convention was held February 24 - 26 in Columbus.  CHTU was represented on several  panels  on the dais this year.  In addition, President Rego and 6th Vice President Lausche presented a description of our  member mobilization efforts leading up to and including the December 2020 “Snow Day” .  Financial Secretary Shelton-Townes was a panelist discussing Student  Loan Forgiveness.  2nd Vice President Gray presented information on  Equity training in OFT, and helped introduce our Equity trainer, Bianca Cunningham.  1st Vice President Underhile was  a panelist presentating on Political Activism.  

Reaching Heights: The Reaching Heights Spelling Bee will return to an in-person event  this year.  CHTU will register a three member  team for April 20, 2022 at Heights High at 7pm.  If you are interested in being on our team please let us know!

STRS News: Julie Sellers, President of Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, is running for an open active seat on the STRS Board.  It is very important that OFT be represented at STRS.  STRS ballots will be mailed in early April.  Please encourage members to vote for Julie.

SUMMIT: March’s Summit meeting will be held Friday, March 11. On the agenda are secondary conferences, March 25th PD, and virtual options for next year.

Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices:  None at this time! 


a)   A member was called into a fact-finding on December 13, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, or abusive conduct, inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities, and inadequate supervision of students.  We are waiting for a disposition.  The member was placed on paid administrative leave. We have consulted with our legal counsel on this matter.  

b)  A member was called into a fact-finding on Friday, March 4, 2022 for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct.  The fact-finding resulted in a “no finding” disposition .

c) A member is being called into a fact-finding on Monday, March 14 for alleged falsification of or failure to accurately provide information  and inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct.

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