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Executive Board Update - February 16, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Tomorrow is our virtual executive board meeting. You can attend the meeting that begins at 4:30 with this zoom link. We have two members that are interested in job sharing. One is a high school science teacher and the other is an art teacher. If you are interested in job sharing and have a license in science or art for next year please contact me so I can connect you with the other member.
In Union,
Karen Rego
CHTU President


ARC (Appraisal Review Committee):   No new information at this time. 

ER&D:  This spring ER&D will be offered remotely for the Managing Behavior in Schools course.  There are other courses offered this summer. Please use this google doc for more information.

DISCIPLINE (SCOC):   The next meeting has yet to be scheduled.  The new “District Safe Schools Advisory” Committee is scheduled to meet monthly.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 22.

PTA:  Please consider joining your building PTA.  

INSURANCE:  The next Insurance Committee meeting is scheduled for March 9 at 1:30.  We have received a lot of inquiries about large bills from a hospital for a procedure.  You should never prepay for a procedure.  You should wait until the Explanation of Benefits (EOB)  from Medical Mutual which would come after the procedure.  

MOBILIZATION: If you have not received your free union shirt with our new logo please contact your steward.  They have been delivered to your buildings.

OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers):  The Ohio Federation of Teachers convention will take place from February 24 - February 26 in Columbus.  CHTU officers will be speaking on multiple panels, and will be voting on resolutions presented by OFT committees.  

STRS News: Julie Sellers, President of Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, is running for an open active seat on the STRS Board.  It is very important that OFT be represented at STRS .  Julie’s petitions will be circulating in your buildings. Please be sure to sign.  The election will take place in the spring.

SUMMIT:  - February’s summit was held on Friday, February 11.  We discussed KRA plans for next year, secondary conferences, Springboard training, and the new dyslexia screening requirements. 

Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices:  None at this time! 


a)   A member was called into a fact-finding on December 13, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, or abusive conduct, inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities, and inadequate supervision of students.  We are waiting for a disposition.  The member was placed on paid administrative leave. We have consulted with our legal counsel on this matter.

b)  A member has been called into a fact-finding for February 17, 2022, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct.  

Coalition Report:
On January 4, 2022 a coalition of 100 school districts known as “Vouchers Hurt Ohio,” filed suit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio’s EdChoice vouchers that use public funds to pay for private school tuition. LINK HERE TO READ THE CASE. 

School district leaders from four of the plaintiff districts will discuss the litigation during an online forum on February 23 at 7:00 PM. LINK HERE TO REGISTER

This is an opportunity for the public to learn more about the impact of vouchers on public school funding, the plaintiff’s motivation for filing suit, the substance of their claims, the desired relief, and next steps for concerned citizens.

Vouchers Hurt Ohio joined with the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding to bring the lawsuit. The five lead plaintiff districts are Cleveland Heights-University Heights, Richmond Heights, Columbus, Barberton, and Lima.

The forum is sponsored by the Heights Coalition for Public Education, CH-UH and Richmond Heights Board of Education, Ohio PTA and CH-UH Council of PTAs, Reaching Heights, League of Women Voters Greater Cleveland and CH-UH Chapter, Public Education Partners, Ohio Public School Advocacy Network, Northeast Ohio AFT Retired Teachers, and Northeast Ohio Friends of Public Education.

Registration for the forum is required. Visit the Heights Coalition for Public Education website at to register and for more information about the forum.

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