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Executive Board Update - May 18, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Tomorrow is our final Executive Board Meeting of the year.  The meeting will begin at 4:00 at the Union office.  All members are welcome to attend.  Please read through all our committee notes because we have important information for you to be aware of prior to the meeting.  

In Union,

Karen Rego

CHTU President


ARC (Appraisal Review Committee):   OTES 2.0 deadline is  May 10 for the final summative rating.

ER&D:  If you are looking to earn 2 -4 semester  hours of professional development to use towards your license renewal or for salary credit and you have a Masters degree,  then you might want to take advantage of our ER&D course offerings. These Union sponsored courses are not only the least costly anywhere in the greater Cleveland area but they are taught by your trusted and friendly colleagues. Our Union ER&D program is offering the following 2 credit virtual courses this spring and summer at a rate of $155 per course. Sign up now! ER&D sign up  and  ER&D payment

DISCIPLINE (SCOC):   The next meeting was rescheduled for May 18.  This is the third time this meeting has been rescheduled.   

INSURANCE:  No new information

MOBILIZATION:  During the summer we will only communicate through personal email.  If you have recently had an email change please contact our office so we can update our database.

OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers):  House Bill 616 and House Bill 327 are attempting to turn our schools into a battleground for a divisive culture war driven by false claims that teachers and administrators are indoctrinating students on issues of race and gender. Supporters of these bills have hijacked the statewide conversation, distracting us from important issues such as underfunded schools, large class sizes, lack of books and supplies, shortages of teachers and staff, poverty, racial inequity, and mental health, and inadequate resources for students with disabilities.

We want to hear from you as we continue to express our opposition to these bills, plan future action, and urge policymakers to focus on the real needs of students, families and educators.

Click here to take the survey. After you’ve completed the survey, share it with some of your co-workers who may have missed this email.

Reaching Heights: The Reaching Heights Spelling Bee was held on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Heights High. Thank you to Fiona Connor, Tamara Heldman, and Lee Anne Chambers for representing CHTU.  The CHTU team won the crowd favorite award, and made it to the 3rd round!

STRS News: Julie Sellers, President of Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, and Steven Foreman won the STRS election for the two contributing member seats.  Elizabeth Jones won the election for the retired member seat. All OFT backed candidates won their elections.  Thank you to everyone who voted!  

SUMMIT: Summit met on May 13.  We discussed summer programming, TVA, the reading pilot, and other concerns.  Our last meeting is Monday, June 6.

Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices:  

A Step 1 grievance was filed on May 17 for excessive and unwarranted  disciplinary consequences issued to a member at Roxboro Middle School..  


a)   A member was called into a fact-finding on March 15 for alleged falsification of or failure to accurately provide information  and inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct.  The member was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation.  The investigation was completed and the member resigned.

b) A member was placed on paid administrative leave on April 7 pending the outcome of an investigation and fact-finding regarding alleged inappropriate actions and judgment regarding safety and well-being of students. The investigation was completed and the member resigned. 

c)   A member was called into a fact-finding for April 8 for alleged inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities and lack of compliance with health or safety rules  .  Disposition is set for  Friday, May 20.

d) A member was  called to a fact-finding on April 21 for alleged inappropriate, or abusive conduct, attendance, punctuality, or contract day policy violation, and insubordination. We are waiting on a disposition.

e) A member was placed on paid administrative leave on May 18 pending the outcome of an investigation regarding an interaction with a student.  A fact-finding has not yet been scheduled.

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