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CHTU Post Election Update - November 7, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

If you did not figure it out from the results on Tuesday, Ohio is no longer a purple state.  We are going to continue to struggle in public education until things change.

The Democratic statewide ticket went down even though we had great candidates.  It is interesting to me that Sherrod Brown won overwhelmingly, and the same people voted for Mike Dewine for Governor.  There is no sense to this.

Ohio House Republicans still have a super majority, even though the Dems picked up a few seats (62 - 37). The Ohio Senate continues to be 25-8.

Gerrymandering works.

A bright spot is that the Ohio Supreme Court has two new excellent jurists in Melody Stewart and Michael P. Donnelly.  Additionally, our former member, Debbie Turner, won a judgeship in Cuyahoga County.

I know some people are celebrating across the country, but the blue wave was more like a blue slosh.  Of course, when 50% voter turnout is considered a high mark, it represents a different problem.

Now more than ever before we must stand by one another.  Let's fix what we can, make our voices heard at home, in Columbus, and in Washington.  Persist. Resist. Act; Even when you are tired. Please consider attending the Heights Coalition meeting next Thursday, November 15.  We meet to determine the political landscape now that the election is over and practice how to advocate for public education with a Board Member (Dan Heintz), State Board Member (Meryl Johnson), State Senator (Sandra Williams) and hopefully a state rep (Janine Boyd - depending on her schedule).  We intend to learn how to best reach these different people to make an impact. Be at Wiley at 7 PM. (link here for more info)


Ari Klein

CHTU President

For full look at how our endorsed candidates performed did, click (here)

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