Links to news articles published by the Heights Observer from our local:
August 2020: Returning to school during the pandemic
June 2020: Education funding is in crisis
April 2020: HiberNation
March 2020: The value of teachers' work
February 2020: Truth in our school funding numbers
January 2020: Class size matters
December 2019: Participation in fall musical teaches students essential skills
November 2019: State funding results in losses for CH-UH
October 2019: Classroom technology over time
September 2019: Former union leader recalls Wiley Wildcat Strike
August 2019: Teachers often worry about time away from classrooms
July 2019: What we have lost
June 2019: Students are more than the core
May 2019: There's no rhyme or reason in school testing and funding
April 2019: District's specialty staff provide important services to students
March 2019: Students need opportunities to find and pursue their passions.
February 2019: A wish list for the new superintendent
January 2019: Changing the testing culture
December 2018: Teachers union members are committed to community
November 2018: Ohio's test-driven culture has unintended consequences
October 2018:Teaching in hot classrooms
September 2018:Summer should end with Labor Day
August 2018:Training we could all benefit from
July 2018: Vouchers take money from public school students
June 2018: Analyzing median teacher salaries
May 2018: Protecting public education through local collective bargaining
April 2018: A month of testing (or April is the cruelest month)
March 2018: Learning and teaching in scouting
February 2018: CHUH Schools: always innovating
January 2018: Shop Local. Learn Local. Choose Public.
December 2017: What it's like to teach in the new high school
November 2017: Balancing individual needs with state requirements is not easy
October 2017: AFT President visits CHUH schools
September 2017: Needed: More students taking career technical classes
August 2017: Experiences are key to learning
July 2017: CHUH BOE should be able to hear directly from all school stakeholders.
June 2017: Staffing decisions should prioritize connections and stability
May 2017: Short-Term benefit shouldn't outweigh potential harm of Ohio Senate Bill 85
April 2017: Teachers union draws on parent input in contract negotiations
March 2017: It's Hard To Recommend Teaching As A Profession
January 2017: How CHUH district evaluates its teachers
December 2016: A School Nurse's Job is Complex and Essential
November 2016: Setting Growth Targets For Students
October 2016: A Teacher Suggests Ways To Help Your Student
September 2016: We have a chance to speak out against too much testing
August 2016: CHTU Provides Summer Professional Development For members
July 2016: How My Family Views Education in the Heights
June 2016: We must retain and attract school district employees
May 2016: An argument against standadization in education
April 2016: Public Money for Schools is Lining Private Pockets
March 2016: CH Teachers Union embarks on listening initiative
February 2016: Making the case for Tiger Nation
January 2016: Teachers Union Promotes Consumer Awareness
December 2015: CH-UH schools seek to offer more wrap-around services
November 2015 - Making Ohio a Right to Work state could weaken CHTU
October 2015 - Teacher Shortages are Predictable
September 2015 - Ohio's State Report Card Does Not Measure What Counts
August 2015 - Back to School Tips for Parents
July 2015 - Oxford Elementary First Grade Teacher Betty Miller Retires