August 8th
Have you voted yet or do you plan on voting August 8th? If the answer is: “Yes, and I’m voting No”, you can stop reading now. For all other CHTU members, please make sure you vote No on Issue 1, August 8th. Issue 1, if passed, will have a devastating impact on Ohio and the future of this state. If you are living under a rock and have no idea what I am talking about please click here to read more about Issue 1 and its harmful results.
Important August Dates
August 17: is a virtual and remote PD day. This means for all 192 and 200 day employees you can login from the location of your choice.
August 18: is PD from your school building. Union leadership believes PD prior to the opening of school should always be virtual, but the administration informed us that teaching professional development virtually is too difficult.
August 21: This day was added as an additional PD day after our Union made a presence at a board meeting saying enough was enough with student behavior. As a result they are adding this day to provide additional deescalation training to all staff. We do not have any additional information at this time, but as soon as we have additional information,we will pass that onto you.
August 22: This is convocation day in the morning, and ½ day independent workday for the afternoon. There shall be no meetings scheduled during that time and this is for all 192 and 200 day employees.
August 25: The first pay of the 2023-2024 school year. This pay includes the 2% negotiated pay increase.
Enjoy these remaining days of summer and remember PD in the summer is not mandatory!
In Solidarity,
Karen Rego
CHTU President