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CHTU Update 5.12.17 Last Day and Insurance

Dear Colleagues,

Hopefully you have had a great weekend and are not reading this until Monday.

Two areas to report on:  Last Day Procedures and Insurance Improvements:

Starting this year, teachers do not have to come to work on the last contractual day.  Each building has a checklist and everyone should be able to be done on June 1.


In elementary there were some special concerns based on what was expected in the past at different buildings.  Today at Summit the following was sent to all elementary principals.  (The parenthetical statements are my comments)

·  All teachers will submit grades by Wednesday, May 31st (grades can still be entered after this point if the time is needed.  Administration wants to ensure that if there are issues with the posting of grades that they can review it before teachers take off)

·  All special education progress reports will be completed and printed by May 31st and turned into the secretaries

·  Secretaries will print report cards and stuff envelopes (this was different at each elementary.  It is not your job to print report cards and stuff envelopes.)

·  Secretaries will place all needed items in the permanent folder

Also, if an elementary teacher works on Friday, June 2, it will not count towards your 24 hours of closing and opening. Teachers may choose to start using those summer hours the next week.


200 and 220 day contract members will not have to come to work on their last day.  Your work is never done, but you should be able to check out.

260 day contract members:  The last day of your contract is the day you don’t have to come to work.  It might be possible to add a vacation day instead, but that was not agreed on.  You might want to work this out with your supervisor, but you need to get a day also.


While VP Rego and I were helping with contract edits we came to agreement with administration on the following. 

-The new benefits (improvements in dental, vision, added hearing) will start on July 1.

-The new premium pay amounts will go into effect starting in July.  This means that single premiums will go up $2.88 per check and family premiums will go up $7.69 per check.

In Solidarity,

Ari Klein

CHTU President

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