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CHTU Update - 8.30.19

Dear Colleagues,

Let me know ASAP if you can spare an hour on September 5 to help with voter registration at one of the elementary schools.
The most accurate info for your pay is found in the employee access center (link) - more information than is on your paystub.  One of the changes we have noticed is that for some members the stub "salary" line includes supplemental or differential pay.  Multiply the salary line by 26 and you should get your annual pay - this should line up with the values given in employee access center.
It is possible that some supplemental contracts are not included in the pay yet.  
Here is a link off our homepage with a DRAFT of all salary schedules (link).  This is not official.  Special Ed - add $500 to your level.  The pay schedule does not reflect the two independent professional activity days when you are paid your per diem in December and in March.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Ari Klein
CHTU President

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