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CHTU Update - April 26, 2013 Strongsville

Dear Colleagues,
The crisis in Strongsville continues even though their district "found" $3.2 million dollars that the teachers have been telling them about since the beginning of this disaster.  Even though they are in week 8 and morale is low and their health coverage is at risk there are still very few teachers who have crossed their picket line.

The teachers are not asking for much.  For example, they are not asking for cost of living increases, they are asking for restoration of their step increases.  They were told that if they took on duties that the District would save money by not requiring some paraprofessionals - teachers want this time back since no jobs were eliminated.  This has become more about power and breaking the association than about budgets and kids.  When several of us walked the picket with the teachers there we learned of how some parents scream obscenities at them while their kids in the car.  It is hard to imagine a worse place to be right now.

We are sending another $300 that we have collected adding to the $2,700 we sent before.  We have one member who has her bank send us $30 for Strongsville for every pay!  Can you dig a little deeper so we can continue to support them? Any amount will do.

Also, Friday, April 26th at 5:00 PM there will be a rally where we can show our solidarity with the Strongsville teachers.
It is at the Gazebo on Royalton Road and Pearl in Strongsville.
  Consider taking a few moments to show up.  Some things cannot be done on Facebook.

Ari Klein
CHTU President

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