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CHTU Update - December 18, 2013 - Principles and Books

Dear Colleagues,
Last night at the Board of Education meeting I presented two items:
-The Principles that Unite Us is the resulting document that came out of a conference with a large coalition of public school allies in October.  Both AFT and NEA were involved as were numerous other groups.  The document, if you link to it, states what it is that we believe.  The Local 795 Executive Board voted to endorse in November.  I asked the Board to consider being the first school district to adopt it.  They will discuss this issue in January.
-Community Book Discussion - as I reported yesterday, our own local efforts at helping to engage in discussions with community members was well received by the Board.  I am linking to a flyer that I am asking for you to distribute as widely as you can.  Perhaps posting it at your church or in a neighborhood coffee house in the community.  The PTA Council is a participating organization so perhaps you can collaborate to put it in backpacks on Friday this week at elementary.  Your voice is needed in these discussions.
Yours in Action,
Ari Klein
CHTU President

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