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CHTU Update - January 28, 2013

TEACHERS UNION SOCIAL HOUR:  Mark your calendar for February 8th after school at Panini’s on Coventry.  Come and socialize and enjoy the food.  Please bring a donation for the Food Pantry at Forest Hill Church.  Suggested items are: canned meat or fish, beef or hearty soups and toiletries-soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

RETIREMENT INCENTIVE: The deadline to submit retirement letters for members eligible for the $12,000/$12,000 incentive is March 1.  You must have at least ten years in CHUH and be eligible to retire from STRS with no more than 30 years.  We meet with most everyone who is retiring to make sure they have the information needed.  Call our office (321-0020) or email to make an appointment.

NEGOTIATIONS:  This spring we begin the process of negotiating a new contract.  We will be sending you a link to a bargaining poll in early February.  We need your input on several important issues.  For those of you wonder how negotiations will go or what will be in the new contract, we wish we knew.  One fact is set; regardless of what happens we all lose 1% per year of our take-home pay as set by law as our STRS contribution rises from 10% to 14% over the next four years.

JOB SHARE INFO MEETING: Hopefully everyone got the email from Dr. McDaniel about the job share meeting on February 11th.  You do not need to attend the meeting to apply for a job share.  Letters of interest must be submitted to the HR department by March 1.  

UNION COMES TO YOU:  Our goal is to bring lunch to each building before spring break.  Watch for information from your steward once we finalize the schedule.  We start with Canterbury this Friday, Boulevard on Monday February 4th, Gearity February 7th.  We will bring info about several issues, but will also be there to listen to what is going on in your building.

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