Dear Colleagues,
I am hopeful that you had a wonderful winter break.
Bacterial Meningitis - as many you know we have a middle school colleague who contracted this deadly disease during the break. Please keep this family in your thoughts.
Jan 9 BOE meeting - Tonight is the installation of new school board members and the election of board leadership. The meeting starts at 7 pm. Come to support our new board members, at least to the beginning of the meeting if you are available.
Transcripts - must be turned in by January 15 if you are advancing on the salary schedule due to classes you have taken. Official transcripts must be sent to HR.
Union Comes to You - Karen Rego and I will visiting each school starting this month. This year we will ask for your sandwich preference on a google form (imagine that). We want to hear from you during these meetings in addition to talking about important updates on state and federal union issues.
In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President