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CHTU Update - March 21, 2018 - Board Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the Board meeting last night.  The house was packed.  Our members, from all divisions, sat through a discussion between middle school principals, Board members, and Superintendent Dixon.  It was clear that the Board members consider the issues at the middle school a high priority and they are very concerned.  Board members asked for regular updates on the progress at the middle school.
We believe that our presence was vital toward pushing the Board and administration to make improvements.  As Board member Dan Heintz stated, they want to hear less about what great things administration wants "to continue" doing and more about what else they are going to implement to improve conditions and behavior.  Dan would also like a Town Hall to be held to hear from staff, parents, and students.
$5 is great deal for an event at Nighttown - especially since you get raffle tickets with that.  Join us on Friday.  $10 at the door.
In Union,
Ari Klein and Karen Rego

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