Dear Colleagues,
Its finally summer. I believe we are all happy this particular school year is over. We have been collecting your stories and thoughts about our treatment and are in the process of compiling them for an Administration Union Concern over low morale.
Congratulations to the following initial and renewed Master Teachers. It is a real accomplishment!
Patrick Carpenter - Oxford Elementary
Mark Dougherty - Roxboro Middle School
Sarah Parker - Heights High School
Leslie Garrett - Monticello Middle School
Joyce Bukovac - Heights High School
Nancy Eisenberg - Heights High School
Melissa Garcar - Roxboro Middle School
Bridget Lambright - Heights High School
Teresa Taylor-Ware - Noble Elementary
Our office will be open most of the summer. Please call or email before stopping by so we can make sure we are here if you need us. When writing about concerns you might want to use personal email to our union addresses: (for Monica)
or by telephone: 216.321.0020
Remember that the increased insurance benefits start July 1 if you are trying to get your medical appointments in this summer.
July 10 is the deadline for being able to resign under Ohio law. It is possible to resign after that point, but it is not automatic. After July 10 please contact us.
ALL district sponsored professional development during the summer is paid at the $23/hr seat time rate. If you were not notified at least 6 months beforehand about a training that was on the "essential list" in the last contract, then it is voluntary and compensated.
I hope that everyone will have a chance to recharge over the summer so we can move forward into next school year. Have a wonderful, well-deserved break.
In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President