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CHTU Update - Nov. 30, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Some quick updates are below:

Flexible Spending Account:  If you have medical or other benefit costs that are not covered by our plans (LASIK surgery, orthodontia above $3,300, expensive glasses, deductibles, co-pays, or coinsurance), or have child care or elder care expenses (from a qualified provider) then you should consider enrolling in a Flexible Spending Account (IRS 125) for 2022.  You can have money deducted pre-tax from your pay and use it to cover these expenses.

The open enrollment will be from November 22 - December 3.  The documents were sent via school email from Denise Toney on Monday, November 22.

Here is an article that may be a little out of date, but contains the general information (link). I also attached the form that was sent from Denise Toney. As of right now, $550 will roll over into March. There is a possibility it can be the whole amount if you have more, but we are waiting on the district to make that decision. If you have money you didn't use you can use it in the FSA store that you can find here.

Independent Professional Activity Day/3 pays this month:  The first IPA day will be included in the upcoming pay period.  It is equivalent to one day's pay that occurs twice a year.  December is a 3 pay month.  The third check this month will not have any deductions for medical, union dues, or credit union.

Credit Hours:

If you took coursework over the fall please submit your credit hours to HR by January 15 for salary credit. 

In Union,
Karen Rego
CHTU President

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