Dear Colleagues,
Yesterday Sondra Clarke sent out an email concerning Flex Spending for 2018. Some of you could save a lot of money by taking advantage of this benefit.
There are certain health expenses that can be paid for with pre-tax dollars. For instance, dental or orthodontics expenses beyond our coverage, Lasik Surgery, in addition to many other expenses. The best part about the healthcare FSA is that you get reimbursed immediately, even if you have not yet had that money deducted from your pay.
If you have childcare from a licensed provider, your FSA pre-tax payments can be used for up to $2,550 single/$5,000 married of your child care (or elder care) expenses!! That could save you around to $1,000 if you are in the 20% tax bracket.
Learn more at:
There are many great advantages of having an FSA. I am shocked how few of our members enroll each year. Please look into this benefit. It could be like giving yourself a raise.
In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President