Dear Colleagues,
Here are a few tidbits:
1) The Make-A-Wish walk is tomorrow. Please consider contributing to our goal of $10,000. We are currently just below $8,300. Thanks to everyone participating and/or donating (link)
2) Tuesday, October 9 at 4:30: Meet at 5868 Stumph Road followed by a 5:30 board meeting. Help pressure Summit Academy to work with teachers to finish writing their first contract.
3) Sunday, October 14 at 6:30 PM. Enjoy "Sweat" at the Cleveland Playhouse for only $10.
This is a great play which accurately and poignantly captures the social dimension of what it is like to have economic insecurity and the threat of plant closing looming over you. It won a Pulitzer prize.
See attached flyer. (link)
Have a wonderful weekend