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Summer Update 7.21.17

Dear Colleagues,
We are sure everyone is enjoying time away from school. Here are a few things that are going on that you should know about.
School Board Race: Our Executive Board authorized officers and members of the mobilization team to endorse school board candidates over the summer. Our group met and agreed to fully endorse Dan Heintz for school board. We will meet for a second round to determine if there are other candidates to endorse.
Dan is a product our schools, has a kid in the schools currently, ran a business in Cleveland Heights, but has been teaching middle school social studies in Chardon for last 15 years. He understands how the education system works and offers a fresh and essential perspective for the Board. 
I encourage ALL members to look him up at and start by endorsing him personally. I also ask that each CHTU member consider a donation to his campaign. You can donate on his website or send a check to his treasurer Matt Weigand, 2583 Ashton Rd, Cleve Hts, 44118. If all of us contributed $10 or $20 it would make a significant difference. Our local will not vote on contributing money to any campaigns until our executive board meets in September.
Loan Forgiveness: Look for info from us about seminars to see if you qualify for any relief of your student loans. Rules have changed that might benefit many of our members.
Salary Schedules and Contracts: Both Teacher and Monitor contracts are posted on our website in our quicklinks area, Additionally, the teacher salary schedules are posted in the same place. You may want to check to make sure your salary notice from the finance department matches where you think you are on the salary schedule.
Medical Benefits Improvements: As of July 1 we started receiving the benefits improvements from the new contract. It was easier for the payroll department to delay the increase in premium contribution until the first pay of the new school year in September.
Save the Date: We are looking into reserving an area for September 3, the Sunday of Labor Day, for a family picnic. 
CHTU office: We are available most days from 10-4 if you need something.
 In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President

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