Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
Executive Board Meeting
Thursday, April 21, 2022
In Person @ Union Office
4:00 P.M.
- Officers: K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, D. Frost, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, J. Shelton-Townes
- High School (HH): M. Mrazek, Q.Tucker, V. Larkins-Forte,, Gary Wroboleski, N. Williams
- Middle School: M. Searcy (M), L. Lorek (M), D. Hershmann-Rossi (R), W. Ward
- Elementary: N. Davis (C), G. Gee (F), T. White (N), K. Hodson (O), D. Hirsch (RE), K. Minillo (B)
- A. Klein , M. Mazzone (St. Services) C. Meier (Ancillaries)
Absent: J. Boris (HH), S. Austin (R), H. Rasul (HH) , S. Glenn (Monitors), M. Johnson (Monitors), G. Nachman (HH), J. Boris (HH), M. Friedman (R), S. Malek (G), K. Cooper (Delisle), B.Ammon, D. Macdonald
- Call to Order - Meeting began at 4:03 PM
- Secretary Minutes from March
- Motioned by: T. Underhile
- Seconded by: J. Shelton
- Motion passes - Minutes approved
- Officers’ Reports:
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Middle School - Debbie Frost
- Assault Leave - who is responsible for lesson plans?
- Not the teacher nor role alike
- There should be a sub
- Ed Services Issue - contact admin
- Make sure members who have been assaulted - make sure it is reported
- Teachers need access to a locked cabinet at both middle schools
- Member’s car was stolen
- Inconsistent Discipline
- Union Leadership asked at summit for a SCOC refresh (Run by teachers and principals)
- K. Hodson asked about how to know what which consequence to issue in SCOC
- Students coming back from Alternative to Expulsion (AEP) school are not having a re-entry meeting
- T. Underhile will reach out to Chris
- Assault Leave - who is responsible for lesson plans?
- Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
- Request to go back to Trimesters or fight for full report card at Semesters and interim at the end of the quarter
- We need consistent guidance across all buildings
- Would like to form our own committee for report cards
- SPED students - already get IEP progress reports; how are they to be graded (some being told to give no less than C)
- Co Teaching Concern for Next year
- Co-teaching schedule created by a “guru”
- Concerns about putting all SPED kids in one room and gifted in one room
- No planning for co teaching
- Intervention Specialists being spread across many grades
- ELA Piloting
- Listening to ONE person as opposed to the committee
- Not representation from ALL grade levels
- Request to go back to Trimesters or fight for full report card at Semesters and interim at the end of the quarter
- High School - K. Pavel
- Thankful for admin this year
- Many teachers have a need for lanyards (can we get some?)
- A reminder for all members that Security monitors (our members) do not get compensatory days and don’t get paid (remind to pick up overnight pay)
- Counselors have been bombarded by OST and members are afraid to talk to the counselors directly. They are co workers and not admin.
- Testing schedule is horrendous for students and teachers. Three weeks of distributions and three different bell schedules in a week. Routines are disrupted.
- Would TAP be a better place for the schedule to be made?
- Middle School - Debbie Frost
- Vice-President
- CHTU Apparel orders - building reps can take and distribute to members (Email Tiffiny with any errors); Some items didn’t get delivered and they will be coming ASAP
- New order next year (maybe include lanyards?)
- Banquet - currently have 40 registered, would like to have at least 150 attend.
- Promote it to members
- CHTU Apparel orders - building reps can take and distribute to members (Email Tiffiny with any errors); Some items didn’t get delivered and they will be coming ASAP
- President
- Pay attention to House Bills (616); A lot are very scary
- Tentative Assignments have come out
- Postings that were sent out (not a all resignations, but many new positions); if a member wants a new position, they must apply and interview (through building administrator); some positions are funded by ESSR money (could be a limited position)
- Treasurer
- J. Bennett reviewed the Quarter 3 Budget
- Should be around 75% this time of year
- Budget Balance as of March 31, 2022
- COPE —>Piped to AFT—--> Electronically put back in the PEF account where it can be spent for campaigns and COPE brunch, etc
- North Shore
- Many Starbucks are starting to Unionize! (Eastside - University Circle & Mayfield & Lee) When you give your name, mention that you are a union member Westside (w. 6 and Clifton
- Check Voting Locations
- Executive Secretary for AFL-CIO (Dan O’Malley) appointed to Port Authority by Mayor Bibb
- AFL-CIO made it happen for Unionized positions for International Film
- J. Bennett reviewed the Quarter 3 Budget
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Old Business
- Banquet Baskets
- T. Reynolds - Each building needs to get a raffle basket for scholarship for Glenn Auschult (a past 795 president) - for a student who will pursue a career with kids
- Doesn’t need to be elaborate; would like to have one for each school
- Tickets will be sold the night of the banquet
- Tom Schmida Award will also be given
- STRS ballot - Julie Sellers
- Remind everyone to vote!
- Remind everyone to vote!
- Banquet Baskets
- New Business
- MetLife
- Will be new disability and life insurance company (current plan expires May 1 with Voya)
- Steward Elections
- Revised March 16, 2022
- Election for Steward first and then TAP election
- Wisconsin - June 26-30
- Ray Peck Scholarship through OFT to pay for expenses
- N. Davis and W. Price
- Deer Creek State Park - June 21-23
- D. Lausche is co-facilitating
- Executive Board Members interested to let K. Rego know
- Wisconsin - June 26-30
- Constitution Committee - Miranda Faust, Lisa Husain, Mark Mrazek
- Needs updated
- Tenured teacher up for termination
- Based on Evaluations and Plans
- Options - Could Resign; last chance agreement; or terminated
- Based on Evaluations and Plans
- MetLife
6. Action Items - none
7. Motion to Adjourned by D. Lausche; Seconded by K. Hodson; meeting adjourned at 5:22 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nadine Davis, Canterbury Steward