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Executive Board Minutes - August 25, 2022

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting
Thursday August 25, 2022
In Person @ Union Office
4:00 P.M.


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes
  • High School (HH):  V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
  • Monitors: 
  • Middle School:  L. Lorek, K. Marbury, M. Friedman, Q. Teer
  • Elementary:   N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, S. Malek, C. Young, T. White, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch, 
  • Ancillaries: 
  • Delisle: 
  • Student Services: A. Mazzone
  • Retiree Liaison:
  • Immediate Past President: A. Klein
  • Tom Schmida

Absent: J. Boris, N. Williams, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Johnson, K. Minnillo, C. Meir, K. Cooper, D. MacDonald

  1. Call to Order at 4:21
  2. Secretary Minutes from May
    1. T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the May 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by D. Lausche; Motion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Debbie Frost
        1. New students not getting tech info; send new student to admin
          1. Beginning of year assessments, etc. 
        2. heating/cooling issues (not working)
        3. Extra duties and pay (missing pay from AVID; Cedar Point, 8th grade dance)
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. Facilities: A/C in Gearity in library is broken ($50,000 to fix); One mod in Boulevard A/C not working and toilets not working; Canterbury & Noble windows only 4 inches with no screens (insects) and no blinds
        2. Class Sizes approaching 25+
      3. High School - K. Pavel 
        1. Calm and open week in hallways
        2. Technology Issues; Smartboards are dying out
        3. Payroll Errors (Supplementals; work over summer)
          1. Email Arlene and cc Rego and Underhile
        4. Errors in board meeting 
        5. Students cannot access wifi (Date/time on laptops)
        6. Security Monitors and who gets overtime hours?
      4. Preschool 
        1. Staffing Issues and Subs
    2. Vice-President
      1. November 2nd election - talk to members and encourage they are registered to vote for this midterm election
    3. President
      1. 26 pays this year
      2. Summer Updates on Website
    4. Treasurer
      1. EOY Report
        1. AFT raised dues, however our members will not be paying more
        2. Jen Bennett review end the EOY Report (2021-2022)
  4. Old Business
    1. Class Coverage Amounts 
      1. $33 (26-50 min)  $170 (Day)  $15 (5-25 min)
        1. EVERYONE who is 795 is paid to cover
        2. Lunch tutoring is $38 per hour
    2. Monthly union meetings/communication trees/schedules
      1. Schedule a meeting for September 
      2. Get communication system ready and let Rego and Underhile know what you are using (send an email)
    3. MetLife Update
      1. Members out for more than 30 days are eligible for short term disability; let CHTU Office know
  5. New Business
    1. Welcome new members (face-to-face)
      1. lunch/planning - make sure members get their time
      2. Beginning of Year Material distribution (survival guide 100/200 deductible; Political Education, calendars, etc.)
      3. Signing new members 
    2. Give contact information for building steward (personal email, cell Remind, etc.)
    3. Endorsed Candidates on Committee Reports for this month
    4. Class Sizes - Google Form to keep track of numbers
    5. Donors Choose/Amazon wishlists
      1. Considered a Grant (go through Grant Process in District - Sue Pardee)
    6. Student Debt Workshop - Sept 21
    7. CHTU Constitution Updates First Reading
      1. Went through updates to language
        1. Consider Article XII Language to match our contractual members
      2. Another reading before approving updates to Constitution
  6. Action Items
    1. Tiffiny Underhile moves to send $500 to the Columbus Educators’ Association when their strike goes beyond 5 work days. Seconded by Karen Hodson.
      1. Voice Vote Taken; All Yays; No Yays; Motion Passes
    2. Tina Reynolds  - Heights Heritage Home Tour - September 18, 2022 - looking for volunteers - Tina will send an email to stewards and email blast sent out.
      1. Gilford (Near Fairfax) Interior and Garden Noon-3:00
      2. Free ticket to tour if you volunteer
    3. October 15th - Candy Crawl on Lee Road and/or Coventry

7.  Tiffany Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by Margaret Friedman; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at 5:36 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary

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