Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
Executive Board Meeting
Thursday August 25, 2022
In Person @ Union Office
4:00 P.M.
- Officers: K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes
- High School (HH): V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
- Monitors:
- Middle School: L. Lorek, K. Marbury, M. Friedman, Q. Teer
- Elementary: N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, S. Malek, C. Young, T. White, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch,
- Ancillaries:
- Delisle:
- Student Services: A. Mazzone
- Retiree Liaison:
- Immediate Past President: A. Klein
- Tom Schmida
Absent: J. Boris, N. Williams, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Johnson, K. Minnillo, C. Meir, K. Cooper, D. MacDonald
- Call to Order at 4:21
- Secretary Minutes from May
- T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the May 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by D. Lausche; Motion approved.
- Officers’ Reports:
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Middle School - Debbie Frost
- New students not getting tech info; send new student to admin
- Beginning of year assessments, etc.
- heating/cooling issues (not working)
- Extra duties and pay (missing pay from AVID; Cedar Point, 8th grade dance)
- New students not getting tech info; send new student to admin
- Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
- Facilities: A/C in Gearity in library is broken ($50,000 to fix); One mod in Boulevard A/C not working and toilets not working; Canterbury & Noble windows only 4 inches with no screens (insects) and no blinds
- Class Sizes approaching 25+
- High School - K. Pavel
- Calm and open week in hallways
- Technology Issues; Smartboards are dying out
- Payroll Errors (Supplementals; work over summer)
- Email Arlene and cc Rego and Underhile
- Errors in board meeting
- Students cannot access wifi (Date/time on laptops)
- Security Monitors and who gets overtime hours?
- Preschool
- Staffing Issues and Subs
- Middle School - Debbie Frost
- Vice-President
- November 2nd election - talk to members and encourage they are registered to vote for this midterm election
- President
- 26 pays this year
- Summer Updates on Website
- Treasurer
- EOY Report
- AFT raised dues, however our members will not be paying more
- Jen Bennett review end the EOY Report (2021-2022)
- EOY Report
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Old Business
- Class Coverage Amounts
- $33 (26-50 min) $170 (Day) $15 (5-25 min)
- EVERYONE who is 795 is paid to cover
- Lunch tutoring is $38 per hour
- $33 (26-50 min) $170 (Day) $15 (5-25 min)
- Monthly union meetings/communication trees/schedules
- Schedule a meeting for September
- Get communication system ready and let Rego and Underhile know what you are using (send an email)
- MetLife Update
- Members out for more than 30 days are eligible for short term disability; let CHTU Office know
- Members out for more than 30 days are eligible for short term disability; let CHTU Office know
- Class Coverage Amounts
- New Business
- Welcome new members (face-to-face)
- lunch/planning - make sure members get their time
- Beginning of Year Material distribution (survival guide 100/200 deductible; Political Education, calendars, etc.)
- Signing new members
- Give contact information for building steward (personal email, cell Remind, etc.)
- Endorsed Candidates on Committee Reports for this month
- Class Sizes - Google Form to keep track of numbers
- Donors Choose/Amazon wishlists
- Considered a Grant (go through Grant Process in District - Sue Pardee)
- Student Debt Workshop - Sept 21
- CHTU Constitution Updates First Reading
- Went through updates to language
- Consider Article XII Language to match our contractual members
- Another reading before approving updates to Constitution
- Went through updates to language
- Welcome new members (face-to-face)
- Action Items
- Tiffiny Underhile moves to send $500 to the Columbus Educators’ Association when their strike goes beyond 5 work days. Seconded by Karen Hodson.
- Voice Vote Taken; All Yays; No Yays; Motion Passes
- Tina Reynolds - Heights Heritage Home Tour - September 18, 2022 - looking for volunteers - Tina will send an email to stewards and email blast sent out.
- Gilford (Near Fairfax) Interior and Garden Noon-3:00
- Free ticket to tour if you volunteer
- October 15th - Candy Crawl on Lee Road and/or Coventry
- Tiffiny Underhile moves to send $500 to the Columbus Educators’ Association when their strike goes beyond 5 work days. Seconded by Karen Hodson.
7. Tiffany Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by Margaret Friedman; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at 5:36 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary