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Executive Board Minutes - December 2022

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting
Thursday December 15, 2022
Union Office
4:00 PM


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes
  • High School (HH):  V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
  • Monitors: 
  • Middle School:  M. Friedman, L. Lorek; Q. Teer;
  • Elementary:   N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, C. Young, T. White, K. Minnillo
  • Ancillaries: 
  • Delisle: 
  • Student Services: M. Cecconi, A. Mazzone
  • Retiree Liaison: 
  • Immediate Past President: A. Klein
  • Tom Schmida

Absent: T. Gray, N. Williams, J. Boris, L. Hill, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Johnson, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch, S. Malek, K. Marbury, M. Spears, K. Cooper

  1. Call to Order at 4:23 pm  after Divisional Meetings
  2. Secretary Minutes from November 2022
    1. T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the November 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by D. Lausche; Voice Vote; Motion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Wendy Ward Woodard
        1. Monti
          1. Security subs without uniform & badges
            1. Head security brought over uniform
          2. Student Expelled; fought; expelled again; reentry meeting in January
          3. Concerns around safety
        2. Rox
          1. IS out and students not being serviced
          2. Hallway issues 
          3. Class coverages still a problem (UA teachers absorbing students)
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. SmartBoards (new and old) Issues; tickets to IT and responses are not coming limiting instruction
        2. K-3 teachers have to go to 4 full days of Science of Reading training.  During that week, TBT can occur other days,
        3. Registration issues continue; library books not being able to be checked out (could be building issue); residency issues continue (Who follows up?)
        4. Homeless students should check in with School Social Worker monthly.  Send questions to Social Worker
      3. High School - C. Pavel 
        1. Restrooms “Hot Boxes”
          1. Not enough security it keep an eye on all bathrooms, so some restrooms shut down
        2. Hallway “partying” in between classes
          1. Expectation Assemblies
        3. Some security officers may need to be coached on where to stand and police can be monitoring.  (Per Admin)
        4. Teachers getting questions about evaluations and getting emails to get called into meetings; union leadership coaching teachers to help them
        5. Asking for class coverage is happening daily
    2. Vice-President
      1. OFT has begun COPE drive.  Asking members to donate a minimum of $4
      2. SB 178 is dead for now
      3. New Political Director - Quata Tucker
      4. No longer with Voya - now with MetLife
        1. Negotiated Benefit from the District ($450/month on short term disability)
        2. Life Events - Update Beneficiary Information (contact Ari)
    3. President
      1. Grievance around Computer Charges - Meeting to be set up with HR to find possible changes to computer charges in the future.
  4. Old Business
    1. Elementary Report Cards survey results
      1. 61% would like report cards at semester (progress at Q1 and Q3)
    2. Secondary conference survey results
      1. 46.8% prefer 2-8 pm with 30 min dinner break and 30 min parent contact outside of normal workday 
    3. FSA Enrollment - Deadline Friday, December 16, 2022
    4. Kindergarten AU concern update
      1. Registration Meeting held Thursday December 15, 2022
        1. A. Briggs discussed the tedious process of registration
          1. Suggestion: Video or Audio Instructions for parents
          2. In person has been offered; many choosing remote
          3. Registration working with first ring districts
          4. Parma does a registration fair; we may look into this option if there is man power to run it
        2. Next Steps was emailed to CHTU
          1. Parent Advisory Group
          2. Call in addition to email (not enough manpower to make phone calls)
          3. Connect with Cathan for robo calls and communication around registration
  5. New Business  
    1. COPE Drive
    2. Insurance updates for 2023
      1. We went from a flat fee to percentage based premium share
        1. Will be a small increase this year.  Anticipate less than $4/individual and $10/family per pay.  It will be published by S. Gainer
        2. New cards will come in January; out of state will be Cigna (providers could be changing; letters will be sent in the mail).  Watch mail from Medical Mutual
        3. Progressive Lenses; LOU submitted for addendum in Contract to be covered for $230; waiting for a reply (currently wanting to give us $205 based on what admin negotiated; however we negotiate our own benefits)
        4. Chronic Condition Management - Medical Mutual will be reaching out to those members (partnership with UH)
    3. Pay form errors
      1. Units that have 2 paraprofessionals: ANY para = no extra compensation
      2. Extremely important that members pay attention to what they are being paid for; if you KNOW you are getting overpaid…..keep the money set aside.  Email payroll (Arlene/Toney/Gainer) immediately and CC Rego/Underhile
    4. Other New Business

      6.  Action Items

  1. none

7.   T. Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by J. Shelton-Townes; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at  5:23 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary

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