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Executive Board Minutes - May 19, 2022

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting

Thursday May 19, 2022

In Person @ Union Office

4:00 P.M.


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, D. Frost, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, J. Shelton-Townes
  • High School (HH):  M. Mrazek, V. Larkins-Forte, G. Wroboleski, G. Nachman
  • Middle School:  M. Searcy (M), L. Lorek (M), D. Hershmann-Rossi (R), W. Ward, M. Friedman (R)
  • Elementary:   N. Davis (C), S. Malek (G), T. White (N), K. Hodson (O), D. Hirsch (RE), K. Minillo (B) 
  •  A. Klein , M. Mazzone (St. Services)

Absent: C. Pavel (HH), J. Boris (HH), S. Austin (R), H. Rasul (HH) , Q. Tucker (HH), N. Williams (HH), S. Glenn (Monitors), M. Johnson (Monitors), J. Boris (HH),G. Gee (F), K. Cooper (Delisle), C. Meier (Ancillaries) B.Ammon, D. Macdonald

  1. Call to Order -4:22 PM 
  2. Secretary Minutes from March 
    1. Tiffiny Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the April Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by Tamar Gray.  Motion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Debbie Frost
        1. Rox - students moving from 7th to high school (age promoted at 15)
        2. Low on subs
        3. Rox ED teachers overwhelmed (3 grades 2 subjects)
        4. Monti - paraprofessionals (nurses aides) identifying themselves as “nurses”. Overstepping of job responsibilities of paraprofessionals that licensed nurses need to do. 
        5. Locked cabinets still needed for teachers
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. Issues with absences and lack of subs/specials taken away.
        2. Inconsistent outcomes from discipline
        3. Administrative Support in the building who lack the knowledge of staff, parents, and students.  It is ineffective. (Suggestion is to hire building assistance principals.)
      3. High School - K. Pavel (reported out by T. Underhile)
        1. Fact findings closed out (dispositions and/or resignations)
        2. Hallways are still crazy even at end of the year
        3. Finish steward elections
    2. Vice-President
      1. Nothing to report at this time
    3. President
      1. Grievances and Fact Findings are being resolved. More fact findings coming.
    4. Treasurer
      1. Reported later in agenda
  4. Old Business
    1. Banquet Feedback
      1. Get feedback from staff on why people didn’t attend 
        1. People reported not “Knowing” people
        2. Maybe for new members - incentives to come for TUSH or banquet?
        3. Proms and graduations 
      2. For those that came - what can be improved?
      3. Concern that board members where present
    2. ULI - Deer Creek (June 21-23, 2022)
      1. If anyone is interested, let K. Rego know
    3. Steward/TAP Elections
      1. Let President Rego know stewards and TAP members
  5. New Business
    1. Membership Meetings - student debt; benefits, SCOC, retirement, etc.
      1. Member led sessions
    2. Principal Evaluations
      1. Stewards received two copies.  One for the steward to hold on to (do not copy and distribute). Other copy is for the principal.  Stewards should sit down with the principal to share.
    3. Assault Leave Update
      1. A couple of members who were assaulted affecting them physically and psychologically. 
      2. Members getting denied and using sick time now.
        1. Let Union Leadership know (14 days to appeal)
      3. Educating members on how to report incidents immediately.
  6. Action Items
    1. Budget
      1. Jen Bennett - “I move to approve the 2022-2023 proposed budget”. Seconded by Tiffiny Underhile
        1. Jen went over the proposed budget 
        2. Honorarium increase to $35
          1. Discussion about how honorarium is paid.  
        3. Motion: G. Nachman motion to amend line item to lower $39,000 ER&D by $5,000 Seconded by T. Gray to discuss.
          1. Discussion about motion
          2. T. Underhile called question to vote on motion to amendment 
          3. First amendment withdrawn and a Secondary motion by G. Nachman Motion to amend the line ER&D by G.Nachman
            1. Seconded by T.Gray.
            2. Roll Call Vote:  9 For, 16.5 Against, 10 Abstain.  Motion fails.
        4. Roll Call Vote for Budget motion:  32.5 for, 3 against, 1 abstain.  Motion Carries.  Budget approved.
    2. LOU Continuation with language clarity 
      1. “I move to approve the LOU continuation for substitute duties.” by T. Underhile.  Seconded by J.Bennett.
      2. Voice vote on motion.  Motion carries.  LOU approved.
    3. Cope - $500 for attending fundraisers
      1. “I move to approve $500 in COPE funds to be available to attend political fundraisers.” by J.Bennett.  Seconded by M.Friedman. 
      2. Voice vote on motion.  Motion carries.  Cope funds approved.
    4. COPE - $25000 to OFT
      1. “I move to approve moving $25,000 from our COPE fund to OFT.” by J.Bennett.  Seconded by D.Lausche.
      2. Voice vote on motion.  Motion carries.  Cope funds approved.

7.  Motion to Adjourned e; Seconded by; meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm


Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, Canterbury Steward 

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