Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
Executive Board Meeting
Thursday September 15, 2022
In Person @ Union Office
4:00 P.M.
- Officers: K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes
- High School (HH): V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
- Monitors:
- Middle School: K. Marbury, M. Friedman, Q. Teer
- Elementary: N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, C. Young, T. White, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch, K. Minnillo
- Ancillaries: L. Hill
- Delisle:
- Student Services: A. Mazzone, M. Cecconi
- Retiree Liaison:
- Immediate Past President: A. Klein
- Tom Schmida
Absent: J. Boris, N. Williams, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Johnson, K. Cooper, S. Malek, L. Lorek, M. Spears
- Call to Order at 4:28 after divisional meetings
- Secretary Minutes from August
- T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the August 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by Q. Teer; Voice VoteMotion approved.
- Officers’ Reports:
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Middle School - Wendy Ward Price
- Had to watch an Anita Archer video and tally; Half sheets for principles (% of active responses listed).
- Monti - Volleyball Coaching - Coach for 7th grade having to watch 8th grade team until 4:30 until that coach gets there at 4:30
- Teachers covering classrooms getting referrals kicked back to them as they don’t have documentation in Setting Behavior Log (many staff have not been trained)
- Tech tickets are not being answered in a timely manner and/or marked as resolved when they haven’t been
- Monti Building Not Being Cleaned
- Monti - how people are selected for meetings, conferences, and trips, and BLT (equity);
- Monti - gifted representation on Union and WEP writing days; Gifted teachers aren’t started classes when not teaching
- Many waiting on sub pay, conference pay, and extra assignments
- Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
- District TBT’s turning into PD sessions and in person
- Registration Issues and no technology
- Curriculum Night - Who decides when it is? Can it be prior to students starting?
- Oxford being asked to provide monthly progress reports to families; rather we can encourage families to get connected to Infinite Campus
- KRA required for all
- High School - C. Pavel
- Hall duties have begun (less than 1 dozen teachers available)
- Some still waiting on new Smartboards (teaching without them)
- Computer damages - being charged and asking for a check (Grievance filed 9/2)
- Board policy uses the word “malicious”. Many damages are wear and tear and not “malicious”.
- Middle School - Wendy Ward Price
- Vice-President
- Distribute stickers to remind people to register to vote
- Medical Mutual - office gets a lot of questions about medical questions; encourage members to get the Medical Mutual App or set up online Medical Mutual account; CHTU has a website with health corner and FAQ
- Tiffiny checking on form for enrollment for anyone not needing to make changes
- Phone Tree and Communication Plans - send to Tiffiny your building specific plan
- President
- Introduced new Media Ancillary Co-Stewards (Laurie Hill and Michael Spears)
- Questions about Committee Reports
- Divisional Vice Presidents
- Old Business
- Student Debt Clinic
- 67 members signed up for virtual meeting (Wednesday September 21, 2022)
- New Members
- TUSH - free drink ticket
- Class Sizes
- Addressed AU Concern with Kindergarten
- Student Debt Clinic
- New Business
- New members were never trained (in addition to new members last year)
- Have asked if one of the PD Days should be on SCOC (some members with admin)
- Meetings/PD
- “Grade Level Meetings”
- Elementary Contract - 1 meeting per week
- This seems to be PD (4 hours per year during student hours)
- When is there time to do Public Works?
- Need to keep an eye on PD hours
- “Grade Level Meetings”
- TBD - Looking to have it at Boss Dog (Hopefully on patio)
- Tentative - October 7th
- AU Concern - Kindergarten
- Many of these issues roll into other grade levels (such as registration)
- Registration is backed up and numbers are not accurate in IC
- Students are in classrooms without being in IC
- Tech request has to be made to get technology or parent has to go pick up technology
- Students are developmentally behind
- Superintendent will have a conversation with union leadership
- In school coverage Google Form (Arlene in payroll is contact person)
- Paper form can be still used
- CHTU Internal Audit Update (J.Shelton-Townes)
- Committee Members: Karen Hodson, Nadine Davis, and Josephine Shelton-Townes
- All documents were found to be in order
- Action Items
- Constitutional Amendments (2nd reading & action)
- Tiffiny Underhile moves to adopt the amendments to the Constitution as proposed by the Constitution Committee. Seconded by Tamar Gray.
- Ari Klein motioned for a friendly Amendment for Article XII, Section 2; Seconded by Jen Bennett
- Long Term Substitutes
- Building Substitutes
- Ancillaries
- Vote for Friendly Amendment passes with voice votes. (All Yays)
- Ari Klein motioned for a friendly Amendment for Article XII, Section 2; Seconded by Jen Bennett
- Voice Vote: All Yays; Motion Passes
- Tiffiny Underhile moves to adopt the amendments to the Constitution as proposed by the Constitution Committee. Seconded by Tamar Gray.
- Constitutional Amendments (2nd reading & action)
7. T. Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by J.Shelton-Towns; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at 5:31 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary