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Executive Board Minutes - September 15, 2022

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union

Executive Board Meeting
Thursday September 15, 2022
In Person @ Union Office
4:00 P.M.


  • Officers:  K. Rego, T. Underhile, T. Gray, C. Pavel, W. Ward Price, T. Reynolds, D. Lausche, J. Bennett, N. Davis, J. Shelton-Townes
  • High School (HH):  V. Larkins-Forte, M. Mrazek, G. Nachman, J. Tayse, Q. Tucker, G. Wroblewski
  • Monitors: 
  • Middle School:  K. Marbury, M. Friedman, Q. Teer
  • Elementary:   N. Davis, K. Duhanich, G. Gee, C. Young, T. White, K. Hodson, D. Hirsch, K. Minnillo
  • Ancillaries: L. Hill
  • Delisle: 
  • Student Services: A. Mazzone, M. Cecconi 
  • Retiree Liaison:
  • Immediate Past President: A. Klein
  • Tom Schmida

Absent: J. Boris, N. Williams, S. Glenn-Colley, M. Johnson, K. Cooper, S. Malek, L. Lorek, M. Spears

  1. Call to Order at 4:28 after divisional meetings
  2. Secretary Minutes from August
    1. T. Underhile moved to accept the Secretary’s minutes from the August 2022 Executive Board Meeting. Seconded by Q. Teer; Voice VoteMotion approved.
  3. Officers’ Reports:
    1. Divisional Vice Presidents
      1. Middle School - Wendy Ward Price
        1. Had to watch an Anita Archer video and tally; Half sheets for principles (% of active responses listed).
        2. Monti - Volleyball Coaching - Coach for 7th grade having to watch 8th grade team until 4:30 until that coach gets there at 4:30
        3. Teachers covering classrooms getting referrals kicked back to them as they don’t have documentation in Setting Behavior Log (many staff have not been trained)
        4. Tech tickets are not being answered in a timely manner and/or marked as resolved when they haven’t been 
        5. Monti Building Not Being Cleaned 
        6. Monti - how people are selected for meetings, conferences, and trips, and BLT (equity); 
        7. Monti - gifted representation on Union and WEP writing days; Gifted teachers aren’t started classes when not teaching
        8. Many waiting on sub pay, conference pay, and extra assignments
      2. Elementary - Darrell Lausche & Tina Reynolds
        1. District TBT’s turning into PD sessions and in person
        2. Registration Issues and no technology
        3. Curriculum Night - Who decides when it is?  Can it be prior to students starting?
        4. Oxford being asked to provide monthly progress reports to families; rather we can encourage families to get connected to Infinite Campus
        5. KRA required for all
      3. High School - C. Pavel 
        1. Hall duties have begun (less than 1 dozen teachers available)
        2. Some still waiting on new Smartboards (teaching without them)
        3. Computer damages - being charged and asking for a check (Grievance filed 9/2)
          1. Board policy uses the word “malicious”.  Many damages are wear and tear and not “malicious”.
    2. Vice-President
      1. Distribute stickers to remind people to register to vote
      2. Medical Mutual - office gets a lot of questions about medical questions; encourage members to get the Medical Mutual App or set up online Medical Mutual account; CHTU has a website with health corner and FAQ
        1. Tiffiny checking on form for enrollment for anyone not needing to make changes
      3. Phone Tree and Communication Plans - send to Tiffiny your building specific plan
    3. President
      1. Introduced new Media Ancillary Co-Stewards (Laurie Hill and Michael Spears)
      2. Questions about Committee Reports 
  4. Old Business
    1. Student Debt Clinic
      1. 67 members signed up for virtual meeting (Wednesday September 21, 2022)
    2. New Members
      1. TUSH - free drink ticket
    3. Class Sizes
      1. Addressed AU Concern with Kindergarten
  5. New Business
    1. SCOC
      1. New members were never trained (in addition to new members last year)
      2. Have asked if one of the PD Days should be on SCOC (some members with admin)
    2. Meetings/PD
      1. “Grade Level Meetings”
        1. Elementary Contract - 1 meeting per week
        2. This seems to be PD (4 hours per year during student hours)
      2. When is there time to do Public Works?
      3. Need to keep an eye on PD hours
    3. TUSH
      1. TBD - Looking to have it at Boss Dog (Hopefully on patio)
      2. Tentative - October 7th
    4. AU Concern - Kindergarten
      1. Many of these issues roll into other grade levels (such as registration)
      2. Registration is backed up and numbers are not accurate in IC
        1. Students are in classrooms without being in IC
        2. Tech request has to be made to get technology or parent has to go pick up technology
      3. Students are developmentally behind
      4. Superintendent will have a conversation with union leadership
    5. In school coverage Google Form (Arlene in payroll is contact person)
      1. Paper form can be still used
    6. CHTU Internal Audit Update (J.Shelton-Townes)
      1. Committee Members: Karen Hodson, Nadine Davis, and Josephine Shelton-Townes
      2. All documents were found to be in order
  6. Action Items
    1. Constitutional Amendments  (2nd reading & action)
      1. Tiffiny Underhile moves to adopt the amendments to the Constitution as proposed by the Constitution Committee.  Seconded by Tamar Gray.
        1. Ari Klein motioned for a friendly Amendment for Article XII, Section 2; Seconded by Jen Bennett
          1. Long Term Substitutes
          2. Building Substitutes
          3. Ancillaries
        2. Vote for Friendly Amendment passes with voice votes. (All Yays)
      2. Voice Vote: All Yays; Motion Passes

7.   T. Underhile motioned to Adjourn; Seconded by J.Shelton-Towns; Passed unanimously; meeting adjourned at  5:31 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Davis, CHTU Secretary

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