Dear Colleagues,
I should start by saying this has been our most challenging year ever, but that would be an understatement. There have been multiple threats at the high school leading to lockdowns, one at Monticello and one at Roxboro middle all within the last week. The year has been stressful enough, and these events are making life worse for our students, families, and staff.
Another upsetting district misfire is that Monticello’s teachers were told at 6:41 this morning that today is a remote learning day. We should not be expected to suddenly scramble and revise instructional plans in this kind of emergency. That is why calamity days exist. Many staff members leave their devices at school at the end of the day. There should never be an expectation that you will “be prepared” to quickly reboot and go to remote teaching. We are extremely disappointed in district leadership due to this bad decision.
We decided to move our Executive Board meeting to Zoom. If we know anything at all, it is that how the remainder of this week will unfold is unknown. Our meeting will begin at 4:30 using this Zoom link. Please join us if you can. Try to have a restful break and enjoy your time away from work. Have a happy holiday with your family and friends.
In Union,
Karen Rego
CHTU President
ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): The December meeting was canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for February 2.
DISCIPLINE (SCOC): The December 8th meeting was canceled, and the next meeting has yet to be scheduled. The new “District Safe Schools Advisory” Committee is scheduled to meet monthly
INSURANCE: Employee contributions will remain the same next year. You should hold onto your FSA (Flexible Spending Account) card because your new deduction will be loaded onto this same card. If you have a remaining balance in your FSA it will roll over until March 2022 but only for this year.
OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers) - The OFT Convention will be held February 24 - 26 in Columbus. The Executive Board approved 14 members to attend. Our 10 officers will attend as well as 4 additional Executive Board members who will be chosen as set forth in our CHTU Constitution.
SUMMIT: - The December Summit meeting was canceled due to the protest at the high school last Friday. Several members of Summit, both Union and administration, went to the high school to offer support to students. Our next meeting is scheduled for January 21.
1. Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices
A step 2 grievance hearing was held on July 13, 2021, over a member that was issued a suspension for failing to appear for work virtually. We received an unfavorable response. and filed for a Step 3 mediation on August 25, 2021. Mediation is scheduled for January 2022.
A step 2 class grievance was filed on September 21, 2021, over the Board’s ongoing failure to provide substitutes. President Rego and 1st Vice President Underhile met with Dr. Lombardo on October 12. The grievance was denied on October 26. A mediation was scheduled for December 8 but was canceled by our mediator. President Rego and Vice President Underhile met with Dr. Lombardo for a Step 2 Grievance Extension in an effort to resolve the matter. We discussed the LOU that was originally sent by our office and came to a tentative agreement. We are waiting to finalize the language in the LOU, and are hopeful to have it ready when we return from break.
A step 2 grievance was filed by Vice President Underhile on November 9, 2021, for having her Infinite Campus access removed. This is a violation of the LOU that was signed on July 28, 2021, and is also a violation of recognized rules or practices. A step 2 grievance hearing took place on November 30, 2021. The grievance was denied.
2. Fact-Findings/Discipline
a) A member was called into a fact-finding on October 5, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct and lack of teamwork. The member received non-disciplinary counseling.
b) A member was called into a fact-finding on December 13, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or abusive conduct, inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities, and inadequate supervision of students. We are waiting for a disposition the member was placed on paid administrative leave.