Pre-meeting Recognitions
Ellen Krebs Award
Tom Schmida Award
Swearing in of new officers
2021 Retirees (list)
Glenn Altschuld Scholarship Raffle
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
May 20, 2021
4:30 PM virtual
Call to Order - Roll Call
Officers’ Reports:
Divisional Vice Presidents
President- Steward/TAP names
Vice-President-Coventry Kids, Redistricting Forum (link to register)
Action Items
a. Constitutional Amendment (link)
b. 2021-22 Budget- (link)Old Business
Safety Protocols
Committee Updates
New Business
Other New Business
Committees: Our committees are planning on meeting before the end of the year to discuss goals for the committee and plan a date for the beginning of next year. If you are interested in serving on one the CHTU committees please reach out to the chair.
Publicity- Nadine Davis (meeting notes)
Welfare- Kristie Mabury
Human Rights- Rebecca Baum (meeting notes)
Education- Karen Hodson (Elementary), Wendy Ward-Price (Middle), Quata Tucker (High School) (meeting notes)
Legislative- Ben Ammon
Social- Margaret Friedman
ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): OTES 2.0 will be here next year, which decouples Student Growth Measures as a percentage of evaluation. More information to follow when it becomes available.
DISCIPLINE (SCOC): Met April 28 and went over data.
INSURANCE: Follow these guidelines for Synthroid to receive a 90 day supply for a $10 copay:
A member can transfer to Express Scripts mail pharmacy to obtain a 90-day supply of Synthroid, but there are a few cost considerations:
Medical Mutual stated that Express Scripts mail-order does not carry the generic version of Synthroid, so only brand can be dispensed.
If the script is written without “DAW” (Dispense As Written) on it, the brand Synthroid will be dispensed, but only the $10 generic copay will apply
For members who would like to transfer this script to mail, they should ask their doctor to write a new 90-day script without DAW on it, and contact Express Scripts at 800-417-1961 for instructions on getting this transferred to mail.
Keep in mind, this situation is unique to this particular drug, and there’s no guarantee that mail-order will continue to have only the brand is available.
Congratulations to the following members who earned Master Teacher designation or renewed Master Teacher status for the 2021-2022 school year.
Master Teacher Designation: Master Teacher Renewal:
Jazmine Monroe, Noble elementary Brad Hallum, Options
Nancy MacDonald, Fairfax elementary Sarah Adair, Oxford elementary
Toni White, Noble elementary
MOBILIZATION: On Saturday, May 22 from 12-4 CHTU will be offering a free books to children who stop by the Coventry Peace Playground as part of the Coventry Spring Fling (a family thing). Stop by to enjoy the event or let us know if you can help out. Email
OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers) OFT is committed to bringing in people of color to the teaching profession. OFT has partnered with Central State University and Eastern Gateway Community College. Current teachers are needed as mentors. These are paid positions and it would be wonderful to have a 795 representative. If you are interested in this opportunity you can apply for the position and read more details here.
PTA: The last meeting on April 27. The PTA presidents gave updates on virtual events that are taking place to close out the year. The superintendent gave parent feedback from the transition back to school.
Reaching Heights: The 30th annual Reaching Heights Spelling BEE was held on April 28, 2021 and was a huge success. The CHTU team members Daniel Hershman-Rossi, Harron Hartig, and Juana Cuervo did an amazing job!
SUMMIT: - Met on May 14 virtually. Discussed PBIS needing to be under the auspices of TAP, but separate - will follow up with a separate meeting on May 27. The TAP retreat is scheduled for August 12 from 8:30-11:30 at the High School. The CHTU Safety Survey results were shared. Discussed the upcoming school year in terms of what options are being considered. Summit and district administration are tentatively scheduled to start training together through the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in August to try to repair our relationship after a tumultuous year.
1. Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices
a) Monitor Epidemic Pay -A class grievance was filed on behalf of Monitors who were denied time and a half pay for hours worked during the school closure due to the pandemic last spring, as specified in the Monitor contract. A step 2 hearing was held June 29 and the grievance was denied on July 6. The District’s argument is that schools were not closed - they were only closed to students. Step 3 mediation took place on September 15th and we were unable to come to a resolution. Our Executive Board voted to move this grievance to Step 4, Arbitration. The Arbitration hearing was held on February 25. Post-hearing briefs were submitted on April 2. The arbitrator denied the Board’s attempt to throw the grievance out based on timeliness, but denied CHTU’s claim that Monitors be paid time and a half.
b) Representation- An Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) was filed on February 8, 2021, against CHTU by a member. The member has charged the Local with unfair representation. We have completed and submitted all necessary documentation refuting the allegations to SERB and are waiting for a hearing date.
c) Elementary SPED (AU/MD)- A grievance was filed on behalf of elementary AU/MD SPED teachers. The district failed to provide them with their guaranteed 205 minutes of planning time as well as a planning time schedule for the week of April 6, 2021. A Step 2 hearing scheduled for April 19, 2021 was attended by Boulevard Steward Miranda Faust and President Rego. A response to the grievance was received on May 11. The district will pay for the members who had missed planning time.
2. Fact-Findings/Discipline
a) A member was called to a fact-finding on March 26, 2021 for attendance violations and insubordination. A 5 day suspension was issued..
b) A member was called to a fact finding on April 15, 2021 for inadequate supervision of staff and inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities. Non-disciplinary counseling was issued.
c) A member was called to a fact-finding on April 20, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct. An official reprimand was issued
d) A member was called to a fact-finding on April 21, 2021 on allegations of inadequate preparation for job responsibilities. We are awaiting a disposition.
e) A member was called to a fact-finding on May 3, 2021 for alleged attendance violations. We are awaiting a disposition.f) A member is being called to a fact-finding on May 21, 2021 on allegations of off duty misconduct around social media posts. You got it - alleged offensive Facebook posts.
g) Another member A member is being called to a fact-finding on May 21, 2021 on allegations of off duty misconduct around social media posts. Yes, this is another one - someone must have a lot of time to go scrollin’.
3. Heights Coalition for Public Education: As part of a grassroots statewide effort, please email your state rep and senator every Wednesday from now until the end of June to support the Fair School Funding Plan. Link here for info and to copy the statement (LINK)
Please register for a 1 hour forum on May 20 at 7:00 PM on redistricting in the state of Ohio. Redistricting is integral to school funding legislation. This forum will help connect these dots (link)