Dear Colleagues, Tomorrow we will have an in person Executive Board Meeting beginning at 4:00 at our Union office. All members are invited to attend. The CHTU banquet will be held on Saturday, May 14 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm at the Embassy Suites in Beachwood. Tickets are $30 per person ($31 if paying via PayPal @chtu795) for active members. Tickets include a buffet-style dinner, hors d’oeuvres, and drinks. Payments for the banquet must be received at the Union office by Monday, April 25. You can also reserve a room at the Embassy Suites at a discounted rate of $145 using this link. In Union, Karen Rego COMMITTEE REPORTS
ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): OTES 2.0 deadline is May 10 for the final summative rating. ER&D: If you are looking to earn 2 -4 semester hours of professional development to use towards your license renewal or for salary credit and you have a Masters degree, then you might want to take advantage of our ER&D course offerings. These Union sponsored courses are not only the least costly anywhere in the greater Cleveland area but they are taught by your trusted and friendly colleagues. Our Union ER&D program is offering the following 2 credit virtual courses this spring and summer at a rate of $155 per course. Sign up now! ER&D sign up and ER&D payment DISCIPLINE (SCOC): The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 27. The new “District Safe Schools Advisory” Committee met last month to review the Root Cause Analysis Report for Sex-Based Harassment. PTA: Please consider joining your building PTA. INSURANCE: The insurance committee met on March 9. We discussed our current health care plan and reviewed supplemental insurance plan options (such as AFLAC). The next meeting has not been scheduled at this time. MOBILIZATION: President Rego and Vice President Underhile held the Union Lunches in March and April. We will be encouraging members to either sign up for COPE or increase their contributions. We have COPE forms available. OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers): A few weeks ago House Bill 616 was introduced. This bill combines the worst parts of HB 327, which bans divisive books and concepts, with an even more extreme version of of Florida's HB 1557, which bans teaching or discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity. The Florida bill has become known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and has drawn widespread criticism. This bill puts politicians in control of what can be taught in Ohio classrooms and even what classes a teacher can take for license renewal. Violations of the bill could result in suspended or revoked licenses for educators and financial penalties for school districts. In some ways, HB 616 goes even further than HB 327 and the Don’t Say Gay bill. OFT joined the chorus of education, human rights, racial justice, and LGBTQ rights organizations who have publicly spoken out against this bill. HB 616 is so extreme that even the Ohio Chamber of Commerce opposes it, because it may prevent people and businesses from moving to Ohio. Reaching Heights: The Reaching Heights Spelling Bee is being held on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Heights High at 7pm. Thank you to Fiona Connor , Tamara Heldman, and Lee Anne Chambers for representing CHTU. STRS News: Julie Sellers, President of Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, is running for an open active seat on the STRS Board. We need OFT representation on the Board . STRS ballots were sent to members’ homes in early April. Please encourage members to vote for Julie. SUMMIT: Summit met on April 8 at the union office. We discussed the student dress code, parent-teacher conferences for next year, and the need for additional PD on the Student Code of Conduct (SCOC). Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices: None at this time. Fact-Findings/Discipline a) A member was called into a fact-finding on December 13, 2021, for alleged inappropriate, or abusive conduct, inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities, and inadequate supervision of students. The member was placed on paid administrative leave. The matter has been resolved with a separation agreement that was acceptable to the member. b) A member was called into a fact-finding on March 15 for alleged falsification of or failure to accurately provide information and inappropriate, abusive, or offensive conduct. The member was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. We are awaiting disposition. c) A member was called into a fact-finding on March 14 for alleged inadequate supervision of students. The member received a written warning. d) A member was called into a fact-finding on March 21 for alleged inadequate supervision of students, and inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities. The member received a written warning. e) A member was placed on paid administrative leave on April 7 pending the outcome of an investigation and fact-finding regarding alleged inappropriate actions and judgment regarding safety and well-being of students. f) A member was called into a fact-finding for April 8 for inadequate preparation for employee job responsibilities and lack of compliance with health or safety rules . We are awaiting disposition. g) A member is being called into a fact-finding on April 21 for alleged inappropriate, or abusive conduct, attendance, punctuality, or contract day policy violation, and insubordination. |