ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): Several meetings have been cancelled for lack of new information from the state concerning OTES 2.0. Next scheduled meeting is March 3.
CCES (Cuyahoga County Educators Summit) –First meeting was January 23, 2020.
DISCIPLINE (SCOC): Met February 5, 2019. According to the district since referrals are down then the behaviors in schools must be better. We let them know their logic is faulty – members are not writing as many referrals because no one has time to go through all the hoops that are now required – so behaviors are probably worse. Next meeting April 1, 2020.
ER&D: Managing Anti-Social Behavior class has started. Tentative summer dates for our classes: June 1-5 English Language Learners. June 1-5 Thinking Math (not sure which one). June 8-12 Home School Connections. June 15-19 Foundations of Effective Teaching. June 22-26 Reading Comprehension.
INSURANCE: Two changes in our plan are in effect as of January 1; ER copay for non-emergency use and a higher co-pay for brand prescriptions when generic is available. Next meeting April 15, 2020.
MASTER TEACHER: Last met December 11, 2019. 12 teachers submitted letters of intent to participate in the Master Teacher Program this year. Next meeting April 23, 2020.
MOBILIZATION: We will need help with the levy campaign. Profiles and yard signs for members who live in the district. Literature drop soon – will be delivered to your school to split up and help. Thanks in advance.
OFT (Ohio Federation of Teachers): We continue to work with our state affiliate to combat voucher funding in Ohio. Things are constantly changing. Please send emails or make calls when asked through an action alert. Your voice matters.
POLICY TASK FORCE: Next meeting March 19, 2020.
PTA: Next PTA Council meeting is February 27, 2020.
RETIREMENT: For members looking to retire at the end of the year we can meet to discuss details and write a retirement letter for you. If you have 30 years or less in STRS and are planning to retire at the end of the school year then you your retirement letter must be submitted by March 1. Contact President Klein.
SOCIAL: The TUSH on January 31 at Proximity Golf had golf, basketball, and dodgeball with zombies (or just watching everyone else). The Spring Social is April 24.
SUMMIT: We met on January 24.We discussed the substitute problem again, high school and middle school schedules, the superintendent’s Entry Plan Findings (link to report), follow up on the Monticello Administration Union Concern, voucher work/advocacy, and possible roles we can fill to help with the US Census. Next meeting February 21, 2020.
1. Grievances and Unfair Labor Practices
a) Assault Leave – Administration is trying to apply the new assault leave language limit of 2 years to a member who has been on partial assault leave. A grievance was filed on October 29, 2019. A step 2 hearing was held on November 12 and was denied on November 19, 2019. A step 3 Grievance mediation was held January 6, 2020 and was not successful. The CHTU Grievance Committee has voted to recommend to the Executive Board to approve taking this grievance to arbitration.
b) Administration Union Concern – Oxford – an AU concern was filed October 29, 2019. There are a myriad of issues that brought the Oxford Union leadership and the whole TAP team to file. A meeting took place on December 9 where the TAP team presented the issues in a professional, non-confrontational manner. We received a response, but were concerned it did not address many of the issues brought up at the meeting. The Superintendent is going to review all notes and amend her response.
c) Right to representation grievance – A teacher filed a grievance November 15, 2019 based on requesting union representation at a meeting with the supervisor, having the meeting delayed a month, then while meeting over another matter without representation having the supervisor bring up the content of the original meeting. There was no opportunity to get union representation at that point. A step 2 hearing was held December 4. The grievance was denied on December 13. CHTU gave administration a suggestion on how to resolve the grievance by replacing the Step 2 response letter – that overture was rejected. We withdrew the grievance and are preparing to filed an Unfair Labor Practice on January 16, 2020.
2. Fact-Findings/Discipline
a) A member was on paid administrative leave from August 29, 2019 to January 10, 2020. An investigation was conducted over concerns that we thought had been resolved last year. President Klein represented our member at the Department of Children and Family Services on September 25. All charges were found to be “unsubstantiated” on October 9. A private investigator, hired by the district, met with our members on a voluntary basis. The private company interviewed our member on October 30. A report was submitted to the Superintendent mid-December. The superintendent issued a letter to our member on the last day of school before winter vacation stating that the investigator found insufficient evidence to support the charges. The investigator had two concerns that were not violations of board policy. The member has returned to work and has been required to attend training in two areas. The member was called in for a fact-finding, with charges based on the investigator’s report, on January 29, 2020. A meeting was held February 6 to allow for comments on the investigator’s report. We are awaiting a disposition.
b) A member was called to a fact-finding November 26, 2019 over concerns around alleged misconduct around supervision of students. While awaiting a disposition we were informed the district wanted to collect more information, so scheduled a second fact-finding on February 11.
c) A member was called to a fact-finding for January 9th over allegations of pushing a student into a chair. The member was given an official reprimand on February 3, 2020
d) A member was called to a fact-finding December 12, 2019 over allegations of misconduct. We believe the member was given non-disciplinary counseling.
e) A member was called to a fact-finding January 29, 2020 for concerns over an alleged verbal altercation with a student. A written warning was issued February 10.
f) A member was put on paid administrative leave starting January 30, 2020 for allegations that the member pushed a student. A fact-finding was scheduled for February 6 with an additional charge of comments being made that were offensive during a lesson. Awaiting a response.
g) A member was called to a fact-finding on January 30, 2020 to determine if the teacher grabbed the student’s arm before the student went down the stairs. The result was non-disciplinary counseling.
3. Heights Coalition For Public Education – On February 10, 2020 there was a School Funding forum jointly sponsored by the Coalition, Reaching Heights, CHTU, CHUH PTA Council, The League of Women Voters for Greater Cleveland and other groups. The featured speaker was Representative John Patterson, who has been working on HB 305 – The Cupp-Patterson Bill to properly fund school districts. Over 100 people attended. Part of it was livestreamed on the Heights Coalition facebook page.