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March 2018


ARC (Appraisal Review Committee):  Nothing new.  Next meeting March 19. 

COMMUNITY IN SCHOOLS TASK FORCE:  Will meet March 14.  When we reconvene we will be discussing which issues we want to tackle and what model we would like to use.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY EDUCATORS SUMMIT:   Met January 25.  We could not attend.

DISCIPLINE: Next meeting March 15 and 16.  All day trainings from the same company that brought us the Employee Code of Conduct, but this time for students.

DLT (District Leadership Team):  Next meeting March 21. 

ER&D:  Managing Anti-Social Behavior class started in March.  Summer registration starts March 19.

GRADING TASK FORCE:  Met March 12 and discussed how to create administrative guidelines for a consistent grading policy across the district focused more on mastery than effort.

INSURANCE:  The March 13 was rescheduled for March 27.

MASTER TEACHER:  nothing new.

MOBILIZATION:  Building reps will be asked to confirm info with members to keep our database up to date as well as to issue CHTU membership cards.  We will also be asking about issues and concerns to determine which actions and activities members are most interested in participating.

OFT:   Thanks for Secretary Darrell Lausche for compiling a full report including convention speakers and resolutions.  The report is posted at under the Resources/News tab (link)

POLICY TASK FORCE:   There is a meeting Tuesday, March 13.

PTA:  Next PTA council meeting is March 26.

RETIREMENT:  Beth Rae and Jen Bennett are heading up our efforts to encourage members to vote for Ben Pfeiffer and Dale Price in the upcoming STRS Board Election.

SOCIAL:  Save the date of March 23 for our Spring Social at Nighttown.  Our annual basket raffle will be held to raise money for a high school senior scholarship.  We will also be awarding the Elen Krebs and Tom Schmida awards.  

SUMMIT: Meeting for March 9 was cancelled because of the snow day.  Need to reschedule.

1.  Grievances:

            a)  MS Discipline – filed February 28, 2018 over board policies governing the student code of conduct.  A step 2 hearing will take place March 20.

2.  Administration Union Concerns:

Elementary Testing and Pacing:  No changes.  President Klein is continuing to have discussions with Superintendent Dixon over concerns.

Elementary Dismissal:  No changes.  Will continue to report on this through our Summit report.  We will report on liability issues related to dismissal at our Executive Board meeting.

Workplace Satisfaction: No changes. This will be reported out as workplace satisfaction in the Summit report.

Elementary caseload:   President Klein met with a member and his special education supervisors over concerns about the teacher’s caseload. According to the multi-categorical caseload limits set by the state the teacher’s caseload is not too big, although several suggestions were made to try to accommodate the teacher’s requests for running the class.

3.  Fact Findings

            -a member was called to a fact-finding February 15 regarding concerns over job responsibilities; specifically grading procedures and documentation of student grades.  Awaiting response.

            -a member was called for a fact-finding February 28 for allegedly not following protocol.  Awaiting response.

           -a member is being called to a fact-finding on March 14 for burning a pop tart.

            -two members are being called to fact-findings for not attending professional development sessions in the afternoon in their building on March 2 without calling out sick or personal.

4.  Heights Coalition for Public Education – The three winter forums have concluded.  The steering committee will meet Wednesday, March 14 at 7 pm at the Wine spot to determine next steps.

5.  College Credit Plus –We proposed contract language to change the way CCP work is being paid.  Awaiting response.

6.  HS Counselor Responsibilities – An Unfair Labor Practice was filed March 1, 2018 against administration for refusal to negotiate changes in working conditions for high school counselors who have been asked to coordinate AP and testing at the high school.  This work was done by someone in a counseling position that was eliminated.

7. Gun Violence in Schools:  Our Executive Board authorized the CHTU President to endorse student led activism on March 14 and April 20 against guns and violence in schools.

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