ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): Met April 23 and discussed student growth measures. Observations must be completed by May 1. Next year a notice will go to all teachers that states how/if they need student growth measures. Lombardo and Klein will update the handbook over the summer.
COMMUNITY IN SCHOOLS TASK FORCE: Met April 18 to discuss next steps, presenting to the board, and ideas for a mission and vision statement. Met again May 9 to work out the actual presentation to the board that is scheduled for May 15.
CUYAHOGA COUNTY EDUCATORS SUMMIT: Met April 26. No new date set.
DISCIPLINE: No new meeting date set.
DLT (District Leadership Team): Next Meeting May 23.
ER&D: Summer registration is closed.
GRADING TASK FORCE: April 23 meeting was cancelled. Rescheduled for ??
INSURANCE: Met March 27. No big takeaways. Next meeting June 14.
MASTER TEACHER: scoring took place May 11. Two members have earned their initial designation and three have renewed.
MOBILIZATION: Most yellow cards have been received. Many pink sheets have been sent in as well.
Make-A-Wish – a productive meeting was held with OFT staffer Jill Jones and the regional Make-A-Wish representative Meghan Cantrell on May 9. We are encouraging every building to get a team together for the October 6 Walk at the Zoo, a huge fundraiser for Make-A-Wish. Our goal will be to raise $8-10K next school year to sponsor a child’s wish. After the October event we will gather to discuss our next steps.
OFT: The Ohio Union Leadership Institute is June 12-14 at Mohican. Registration due Tuesday, May 15.
POLICY TASK FORCE: is finished for this year.
PTA: The speaker on April 23 spoke about screen addiction and one solution. PTA council meeting is May 21.
RETIREMENT: Dale Price and Ben Pfeiffer both lost their bid to be on the STRS board, but we ran a great contest. Contest winners have been chosen and prizes will be sent. Thanks to everyone who voted.
SUMMIT: No meeting since last Exec Bd. Next meeting May 17.
1. Grievances:
a) MS Discipline – survey results have been compiled. We will send a notice resolving the grievance since a student discipline plan was developed and implemented which was the relief we sought in the grievance. Unfortunately, the improvements were slight. We will hand the survey results to Summit as there were suggestions given for next year.
b) College Now subcontracting – a grievance has been filed April 27 alleging that services provided through a grant by College Now could be provided by our members of our bargaining unit. The Step 2 hearing was held May 10. Administration has asked for a 6 day extension before responding to which we agreed.
2. Administration Union Concerns:
Elementary Testing and Pacing: elementary vice presidents will seek input from grade level teams when the new schedules are out for next year so that we can suggest modifications if unreasonable.
Elementary Dismissal: things seem to be working now. Plans need to be in place at the beginning of the year to ensure that we incorporate what was learned this year.
Workplace Satisfaction: Our focus has been on trying to improve administration’s internal communication. We will continue to try to point out ways for administration to be clearer and timelier in their communications.
3. Notice to Negotiate:
CHTU sent a notice to negotiate on April 13, 2018 over the subcontracting of monitor positions at the middle school. Three substitute monitors were hired to help quiet disruptions at the middle school through the end of the school year. We came to an agreement to resolve the issue that will require both an executive board vote as well as ratification vote by Monitors to changes in their contract.
4. Fact Findings
a) A member was called to a fact-finding February 15 regarding concerns over job responsibilities; specifically grading procedures and documentation of student grades. A follow up meeting took place Friday, April 20. Awaiting disposition.
b) A member was called for a fact-finding February 28 for allegedly not following protocol. A 7 day suspension was issued May 8, 2018 citing incidents from 2010 and 2011 as prior incidents in the ECOC rubric. We will determine next steps.
c) A member was called to a fact-finding May 2 alleging the teacher hit a student while waving for students to settle down. Two of 40 students present made statements 6 or 7 days after the incident – there is no statement from the only other adult who was in the room. Awaiting disposition.
5. Heights Coalition for Public Education – Met on April 19 and plan to meet June 4 for next steps.
6. HS Counselor Responsibilities – No Change. An Unfair Labor Practice was filed March 1, 2018 against administration for refusal to negotiate changes in working conditions for high school counselors who have been asked to coordinate AP and testing at the high school. This work was done by someone in a counseling position that was eliminated. We agreed to mediation, but no date has been set.
7. Instructional Coaches – administration appointed members to instructional coach positions without communicating the job existed or what it entails, the criteria for selection, and the rationale for a change in how we provide services. President Klein met with the administration on Monday, May 14 to learn more. More people were assigned to this non-teaching position than intended, so administration will determine who will be instructional coaches and who will be providing ELA and Math support. President Klein sent the job description he was given to the members assigned.
8. Project Veritas – spoke to Past President Schmida at our office in April trying to get him to say stupid things on camera to prove unions are staffed by horrible people who have no scruples. They did not succeed.
9. Union Trainings and Convention – CHTU will be represented at the Ohio Union Leadership Conference in June and is sending two members to the Regional training in Wisconsin. We also plan to send members to the AFT national convention held in Pittsburgh in July.