ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): Last met September 26. Will publish a SLO helpline and update handbook. Next meeting October 24.
DLT (District Leadership Team): DLT met September 28. Discussed state walk through assessment. DLT Leadership meeting – November 4.
ER&D: Considering a winter offering.
INSURANCE: Next meeting November 2. Wellness committee is still an issue.
MASTER TEACHER: The committee will be convening October 13 to create a calendar for the school year.
Heights Heritage Tour – 14 volunteers. It was the most we have ever had. We are concerned that we depended on some people who did not show up and did not let Tina know they were not coming.
Levy Literature Drop – Over 30 volunteers distribute literature to homes in the community between Friday, October 6 and Monday, October 10. Collectively we distributed close to 5,000 pieces of literature.
Labor Walk - we are looking for volunteers for Saturday or Sunday, October 15 or 16 to talk to union friendly targeted households about the upcoming election. This important work is being coordinated through the AFL-CIO. Sign up at We need your help.
October Service Project – members are organizing a variety of projects related to literacy this month. Ask your building steward who is organizing the October project in your building.
November Service Project – Like last November, next month we will be collecting hats and gloves for our students. This will be coordinated at the building level.
RETIREMENT: nothing new
SOCIAL: We held a social for volunteers from the levy lit drop. Friday, October 14 there will be a TUSH at Tavco (where Brennan’s Colony had been). Save the date – May 5 for our spring social at Nighttown.
SUMMIT: Next meeting October 14.
- Negotiations – on hold until November 28 and 30
- Heights Coalition for Public Education – Met August 9 to plan for the year.
- ESSA Stakeholder meetings – at least 12 people showed up to deliver our message. We followed up with a letter to State Superintendent of Schools stating our position. (link to read it here)
- October 6 Walk In – Every building was different, but the event went off well. Still awaiting reports from coordinators about numbers, highlights, and issues.
- October 19 - next meeting at the Main Library on Lee Road at 7 pm
- January/February - we will host a forum night
- Charter Walk - we would like to talk to families that have chosen to send their students to charter schools and give them information so they will consider attending our schools next year. Teachers partnered with other community members would be ideal for this project.
- Listening Project 2016-17 - probably starting after winter break. Rego and Frost will organize training and recruitment.
- Grievance: Summer Training – we waived time until we could come up with an acceptable alternative to make our teachers whole.
- Fact-Findings -
- A member has had two fact-finding meetings since school started over concerns around attendance on the first two days of school. The member was given an official reprimand.
- 5 members were given notice of fact-findings for alleged violation of the use of personal leave around Labor Day. Two have already been dismissed since their supervisors knew why they were absent. Warnings were issued about the proper procedure.
- A member will had a fact-finding about concerns rising from complaints about the member’s supervision of students. Building steward represented member. No disposition yet.
- A monitor was questioned about several incidents from principals. We are awaiting a disposition.
- A member was placed on administrative leave for allegedly using physical restraint on a student when it was not necessary. Will meet October 13.
- A teacher is being put on an improvement plan related to a disciplinary issue from last year. We contend that the discipline given should have completed the issue and that further action is beyond what we agreed upon. Discipline from one year showing up as evaluation the next is inappropriate.
- OFT – Eight officers attended training/conference in Columbus September 23/24.
7. Roxboro MS AU Concern – Staff is being required to progress monitor students beyond the TBT process. President Klein is awaiting informal discussions with administration before filing.
8. Extra Assignment – A grievance filed on October 6, 2016 on behalf of a member who does not have proper planning time. We have been questioning this issue since August 30. On October 6 we received an email from administration to try to resolve the issue.
9. Instagram – A member found out that an Instagram account had been created with several derogatory comments about school and students. The member took this information to administration. He also filed a police report.
10. Political/levy work during work hours – a secretary was reprimanded for sending a political email on behalf of a building steward during work hours. Stewards need their own lists, but should only be sending political emails during non-duty time – lunch or before/after normal work hours.
11. Personal Leave/Payroll – if you did not see the email from October 13, personal leave has not been added into paystub balances yet. Taking away the option to get paid the sub rate for personal days accumulated over 5 days and automatically having these days rolled into sick leave will eliminate this problem.