ARC (Appraisal Review Committee): First meeting September 18. The new OTES handbook is posted on the district website as well as (link from here)
COMMUNITY IN SCHOOLS TASK FORCE: Next meeting September 13.
DISCIPLINE: a new task force will be starting this year.
DLT (District Leadership Team): Dates are set for this year.
ER&D: Over 62 satisfied customers this summer took classes. 5 classes were offered.
GRADING TASK FORCE: a new task force will be starting this year.
INSURANCE: Meeting in October
MASTER TEACHER: Kathy Lawrence is our newest member on the committee joining Sarah Adair and Tiffany Jordan-Shaw.
BOE Candidates – see Issue #1 below
HS Community Open House Teacher Table. Stacey Cohen helped make our table for this event. Thanks to Tina Reynolds, Tamar Gray, Jen Bennett for helping out at the event. We handed out flyers and pencils and had great conversations with scores of people.
Heights Heritage House Tour – September 24 from 12-6. We need volunteers as we are staffing the high school. Please contact Tina Reynolds.
ONLINE TRAINING TASK FORCE: new task force that will need members.
RETIREMENT: STRS is doing well financially, but still sees no reason to give retirees cost of living raises.
SOCIAL: Watch for a TUSH announcement soon.
SUMMIT: Retreat August 4. First meeting September 8. We looked over TAP goals from all schools as well as the survey results from the TAP retreat. Dr. Liddell-Anderson attended to give us an update on Ed Services. Dr. Dixon let us know about the district’s American Heart Association projects for this year. We discussed the new task forces for the year as well as other district initiatives – like the World Language pilots. We were told of a concern that teachers take better care of their district technology – several new laptops have been damaged beyond repair. Heights will be hosting the MSAN conference this year.
- Board of Education election – Our mobilization team along with officers was tasked with determining our endorsements for school board. Dan Heintz and Jodi Sourini are now endorsed by CHTU. The other two candidates are also excellent.
- Grievances
High School Course Selection – two members filed grievances against administration on behalf of two departments. The Step 1 hearing was held in May 18. President Klein and Steward Anthony Bifulco met with administration in a step 2 hearing that combined the two complaints in early August. The grievances were resolved with changes that were made over the subsequent days.
Job Not Posted – A position was created and filled that was not posted (as required by contract) over the summer. President Klein and VP Rego met in a Step 2 hearing on August 28. The grievance was denied. Our grievance committee voted to allow President Klein to take the grievance to arbitration. Administration was notified on September 8 of our intention.
Termination Hearing – a termination hearing is set to start on October 4 involving a member who has been out on leave since February. The Union is not contesting the allegations made by the Board although believes it is wrong to terminate a member who is pursuing disability retirement.
- AU Concerns
a) Morale: An Administration Union Concern was filed on June 8, 2017 over morale of our members. At a meeting held on June 14 it was determined that administration would address our issues at the Summit retreat in August. At the August retreat the issues were not addressed. President Klein asked for a written response to bring to the CHTU Executive Board which was supplied on September 8. We will discuss at our September 14 meeting.
b) Middle School Unified Arts Class Sizes and Loads: An Administration Union Concern was filed August 29, 2017 over excessive class loads, class sizes, and the number of rooms foreign language teachers must travel to during the school day. No meeting has been set in violation of our contract to set a meeting date within 5 days of receipt. The Superintendent has been notified and is sending possible dates for a meeting.
- Fact Findings
a. An elementary teacher had a fact-finding concerning a student who was placed on the incorrect bus on one of the first days of school. Awaiting disposition.
b. A middle school teacher had a fact-finding on September 11 to investigate concerns over possible disrespect towards a colleague. Awaiting a disposition.
c. A monitor is scheduled for a fact-finding on September 13 for concerns over tardiness and attendance.
d. A teacher is schedule for a fact-finding on September 13 for questioning the principal’s request to ignore ODE licensing rules and school policy over the release of a preschool student to an unidentified adult.
- Heights Coalition for Public Education – The coalition has organized several co-sponsors to host a free screening of the documentary “Backpack Full of Cash” on October 10, 2017 at 7 pm at the high school. This movie documents the privatization of public education and is narrated by Matt Damon. Great movie for CHTU members to see. Discussion to follow.
- Workers Compensation – A member appealed services that were denied from an injury that was work related. Former President Tom Schmida represented the member at the BWC hearing on September 6.
- Union Leadership Institute – Kristi Glasier, John Boris, Karen Rego, Wendy Ward, and Ari Klein went to the Ohio ULI in June. Josephine Shelton-Townes attended the regional ULI in Wisconsin.
- OFT – OFT Executive Committee will meet September 22. OFT Executive Council will meet September 23. Both meetings in Columbus.
- District Communication – Reaching Heights Director Krista Hawthorne is reconvening the group to discuss better ways for the Board and Administration to communicate on October 25.
- Randi Visit – AFT President Randi Weingarten’s visit on September 6 went well. She visited classrooms at Boulevard and the high school, with a member meeting followed by a community meeting in the afternoon.
- Agency Fee - We have no agency fee payers for the first time ever.
- Loan Forgiveness Debt Clinic – Watch for info from VP Rego who will be sending info out soon about holding a debt clinic in October. Some members may be eligible to reduce their payments or have loans forgiven if they have FFEL or Direct Loans.