Below are the guidelines for both health care and dependent care FSA. It can be a little tricky how it all comes together and the nuances between health care and dependent care, so I recommend that members contact MMO’s FSA folks directly with their specific account situations. Customer Care #: 800-525-9252
1. Health Care FSA - has a $500 carryover provision
a. Claim filing period: members have until March 31st of each year to submit claims from the prior year
b. Carryover: members having funds remaining at the end of the plan year can carryover a maximum of $500 into the next plan year. Carryover is determined at the end of the claim filing period on 3/31 of each year
2. Dependent Care FSA – has a 2 ½ month grace period
a. Claim filing period: members have until March 31st of each year to submit claims from the prior year
b. Grace Period: members having funds remaining at the end of the plan year have until March 15th of the following year to continue to incur claims using money from prior year. After the grace period, remaining funds from the prior year are forfeited.