Letter of Understanding to the 795 Negotiated Agreement
Regarding Remote Learning
This letter of Understanding (LOU) is entered into by the Cleveland Heights Teachers Union (CHTU) and the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Board of Education (Board), collectively known as the parties, this __ day of August 2020.
Whereas, the parties recognize the COVID-19 pandemic has put the safety of citizens across Ohio at risk; and
Whereas, the parties have mutual concerns over students’, families’, and staff members’ safety, as well as the imminent loss of in-person instruction.
Therefore, the parties agree that during the normal work day, members of the bargaining unit will reasonably comply with the Academic Closure Plan (see attached) that was developed by the administration after consultation with the CHTU leadership.
The parties agree that this LOU is not precedent setting in any way and is not to be referenced or relied upon in any other matter, regardless of whether other matters present similar circumstances.
The parties agree that August 20-September 1, 2020 will be used by staff for planning and that teaching will commence on September 2, 2020. After the first nine weeks, the administration may determine to move to an alternative form of instruction in accordance with the remote learning plan.
The parties also acknowledge that the plan addresses services to students with disabilities and our focus to provide FAPE to those students according to state and federal guidelines.
The parties further agree that this LOU shall be in effect for the first nine weeks of 2020-2021 school year.
Lastly, the parties will meet and confer weekly and, if mutually agreed adjust the LOU, and to discuss other workplace matters.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Elizabeth A. Kirby, Superintendent Karen Rego, 795 Union President
Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________
Jodi Sourini, Board President
Date: ________________________
On July 28th, The CH-UH Board of Education decided to begin the 2020-2021 school year with remote learning for most students. This is based upon the guidance from the CCBOH. This period of remote learning is different from the spring of 2020. It is not a mandatory complete closure of school buildings. Rather, the district is adopting remote learning to minimize the number of students in school buildings to minimize spread. There are some roles where it is necessary to work from our school and district sites based on the role of staff in supporting student achievement and the need for availability to implement such supports. There are other roles that can be done remotely. We have developed guidelines for My School Online learning for students over this extended period of time. Teachers and staff members should work with their administrators if elements of this plan become challenging due to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. We will be able to keep parents informed of any changes that may be needed for the My School Online learning plan.
Remote Teaching LOU 2020-21
Teaching Remotely:
For those positions where instruction/work duties can be accomplished from home teachers will have the choice to work from home or to come into the classroom to teach. The expectations are the same regardless of where you choose to teach.
Teachers are expected to teach part or all of their class live during their scheduled classes. During off-screen class time, students are assigned work and teachers will be available on the Google classroom/Seesaw link during that time as they would be available in their classrooms for students if instruction was in person.
Counselors/Social workers may work from home but must coordinate their work location schedules with their administrator.
Normal workday hours apply.
Planning time and lunchtime will follow the current contract language.
Schedules will follow current contract language. Changes will follow the language of CBA. A class schedule should be followed. The schedule will follow current contract language.
Teachers will use Seesaw/Google classroom to house all their materials and lessons.
Teachers will take attendance per ODE guidelines.
Parent Orientation:
Teachers may meet parents/guardians of their students in person in their school buildings or they may choose to meet virtually during the district orientation days.
Parent Orientation and Student Support Schedule
The Parent Orientation is designed for parents and students to have an opportunity to meet and greet staff, discuss the expectations for the upcoming school year, materials, and supplies. Student support is designed for students to work with teachers on preparing for remote learning. The purpose of curriculum night is for parents and guardians to meet with classroom teachers and or specialists to learn about the school, grade-level curriculum, expectations, and technology platforms for the school year. Reminder Wednesday, September 2nd to September 4th will be staggered start days for students in PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. The Kindergarten team agreed to do a staggered entrance in their sub-committee. They will choose to do these virtually or in-person.
Teachers will orient parents/ guardians on materials.
Teachers will set expectations on grading, attendance, and engagement during the virtual school day.
Teachers will communicate with parents/guardians.
In-Person Instruction
Buildings will be open for teachers to teach virtually, prepare materials (if applicable) for their students, and virtually assess students. Safety protocols shall be in place for teachers who choose to enter buildings. These safety protocols shall include but are not limited to: 6ft of social distancing, masks worn properly by everyone, sanitizing all materials after each use,an isolation room in every building near the nurses office with N95 masks, and using plastic shields.
Materials such as workbooks will be available for families. Teachers may enter buildings to help distribute/prepare these materials on a voluntary basis.
Teachers may enter their classrooms and teach remotely as described above.
CTE teachers may choose to meet with students in person on a voluntary basis.
Related service providers may be put on a rotation schedule to complete MFE/IEP testing only if this testing method allows for the provision of FAPE.
Related service providers will first attempt to provide testing in a virtual format as long as such format allows for the provision of FAPE.
If it is determined that some students, based on their IEP or 504, need in person testing, related service providers will test from their assigned school location.
The district will make an attempt to assign any in-person testing to those qualified staff members who have indicated that they will volunteer to provide in-person testing. Thereafter, staff will be assigned.
District and teachers will follow ODE testing guidelines.
Elementary quarters/semesters:
Elementary will transition from trimesters to quarters/semesters for the 2020-21 school year.
Teachers will complete a progress report for each student at the end of each quarter. They will include anecdotal information along with a s/*
Teachers will complete a full report card at the end of each semester.
Job Categories for members that do not have students assigned to them.
Media Ancillaries- Will report to and have access to the building to work in their libraries to organize books and any remote learning resources. Will conduct frequent lunch/book caravans. Provide virtual instructional materials for classroom teachers.
Instructional Specialists - May serve as teaching staff as needed.
ALC ancillaries. Work with counselors/social workers in a coordinated effort to serve students and families. They will report to the building site per their normal work day.
Nurses- They will report to the building site that follows the above mentioned safety protocols. Duties include:
Planning and preparing nurses’ offices for the reopening of schools.
Reaching out to students/ families with health issues.
Continue to attend webinars for school nurses.
Follow up on immunizations.
Support students who come to the buildings for instruction or services.
Coordinate with other support staff regarding students social-emotional needs.
Reach out to staff regarding concerns related to physical and emotional health.
Security Monitors - A monitor will be assigned to every building and will be responsible for checking in visitors/staff/students using the 7 step protocol process. They will also assist with home visits as needed.
Stage Manager - The stage manager will work at the building site each day and will support the schools as needed in addition to maintaining the stage and sound systems. We may have some orientation meetings at the high school to start the year. He will need to come into the building.
CTE Coordinator - Will report to the building and support the CTE consortium and CTE. program.
Elementary School Student Day:
Roxboro MS
High School Student Schedule (if approved by the HS staff in a separate LOU. Otherwise the current schedule will be used)