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CHTU Update - February 6, 2015

ESEA  - it is the 50th anniversary of the passing of the legislation originally called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act later known as the test and punish law No Child Left Behind and finally the competitive grants Race to the Top, which determined which states and districts had the best grant writers.  There is a lot I could write about the reauthorization conversations going on in Washington DC right now, but what I find most aggravating is how the original legislation aimed to identify districts and children that needed help.  Today’s logic has turned this around completely to use the law as a way of punishing districts.  I do not consider these bastardizations of the ESEA an improvement or as a way of actually helping disadvantaged children.

May Levy – there will be a special election for a 5.9 mil levy to fund operating expenses.  The basics of school funding is that the district’s will never collect more money in property taxes (about 80% or so of our district’s income) until a new levy is passes.  Unfortunately, expenses go higher. The bond issue money can only be used for facilities.  If you are able to help in this effort it will probably make our position easier when we are at the bargaining table in a year.  If you live in the district please make sure you, your family, and friends are registered to vote and commit to vote yes.  More on this later.

Do you itemize your taxes?  If so, Union dues stayed $790 for the fourth year.

Retirement Incentive:  Still no 20 year buy out on the horizon.  If you have 30 or fewer years in STRS and are going to retire this year please give me a call or an email to meet.  Paperwork is due to the Board by March 1.  I am holding several retirement letters from members who I have met with.  If you do not qualify for the incentive, but are certain you are going to retire we can meet now anyway.  It is helpful to HR to have as much information about retirements before they work on staffing.

Teachers Union Social Hour – Mark your calendars for Friday, February 20 at Brennan’s Colony.

In Union,

Ari Klein

CHTU President

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