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Elementary Survey - January 2014


Grade Level(s): Select all that apply to your instruction



















Intervention Specialist



Other Specialists




1) The mandated tests I administer are meaningful.

1 Strongly agree












5 Strongly disagree




2) There is overlap and redundancy in the tests.

1 Strongly agree












5 Strongly disagree




3) I am using data from the mandated tests to inform instruction.

1 Strongly agree












5 Strongly disagree




4) The assessment schedule is working well this school year.

1 Strongly agree












5 Strongly disagree




5) My building provides an adequate testing environment.

1 Strongly agree












5 Strongly disagree




6) On average, per trimester, how many hours do you spend on mandated testing?

0-5 hours



5-10 hours



10-15 hours



15-20 hours



20-25 hours



25 or more hours




7) With #1 being the most effective, please rank order all tests that apply to you.



1 Most effective





6 Least effective








F & P














Math Expressions Unit Tests







State Diagnostic Writing







State Diagnostic Math























The test are useful, but they take way too much time and this takes too much time away from instruction. It would be faster if they hired retired reading teachers  ( an assessment team)for a period of time to come into the schools and help with assessments or provide shorter assessments.

F and P is a good tool but is taking away from instruction. Its hard to complete F and P when you have 24 other students waiting for your direction. This makes it impossible to teach.

The F&P assessment, although timely to administer, is a highly effective tool for being diagnostic about reading instruction.  I feel it is the best tool to administer to our below grade level/approaching students in order to plan instruction.

The F&Ps took between one hour and one and a half hours for each student.  I had to test 19 students.  I lost at least 25 hours of instruction time spanning 3-4 weeks.  This will happen again in April and May.  I need to be teaching my students, not spending all this valuable time testing.  I use daily formative assessments to guide my instruction more than state mandated tests.

Due to the fact that I teach special ed students, tests are administered individually.  The MAP in particular each question is different based on responses so no one can test together.  Thus it takes a great deal of time and the need for computers is also difficult because everyone in the building is testing on the same days.

The Map test may give us a range score in Literature, foundational skills and vocabulary and informational text but it does not give us  a specific  score on  reading comprehension  skills such as main idea and details, compare and contrast. The F & P gave us reading levels for independent reading, instructional reading and at what level the student was frustrated.  We also knew their fluency.  The F & P's are very time consuming to give.  

My students all receive specialized instruction and the mandated assessments do not correlate with the specialized program I am using.  This makes most of the assessments a waste of time for my students as they do not really offer any opportunity to form instruction.  The MAP test is new and my only experience with it was okay.  It is time consuming b/c I need to give it 1:1 to each student so they can receive their read aloud accommodation.  I do not like to have my students test with other adults b/c it does have an impact on their performance.  Therefore, MAP assessments (as well as F&P) typically take 90 minutes per student.

By mandated do you mean by the state or by our district? I answered all questions assuming mandated meant from the state , ex) OAA.

Much instructional time is lost administering tests,  pretests for TBT,  It is hard to test students individually, which is essential in Kindergarten, and it takes excessive time.  We also have to assess for our grade level smart goals monthly, and for all the TBT work.  I’m sure we will start testing for SLO's too.  Also, the Kral next year will be changed to several times a year.   Also progress monitoring


-I use MAP or SRI for my IEPs.  It is a good data point to show where kids are compared to their peers.

-I use the F&P on my IEPs also.  I like using this and write IEP goals from it.

-The scheduling of the MAP has been tricky for SPED. 

Assessment during the school year should be formative.   Spending so much time on assessments impedes vital instructional time.  If a child is performing below grade level, there is no reason to consistently use tools to prove this status.  As a professional, it is my role and responsibility to provide quality instructional experiences, to work to motivate the students and to help the child build a sense of confidence in his/her ability to learn.  The MAPS testing provided little information for parents.  I received negative and confused feedback from parents regarding the information sheet that was sent with the report card

above tests not applicable to my group of students

AS MD Int Spec I use numerous other assessments in place of the above. I find my assessments along with the ETR to be meaningful & feel the district provides Int Specs with adequate IEP time.

The F & P testing can be very subjective.  How one teacher tests is different from how another tests with results often vastly different.

We are expected to administer tests during class time.  I have 20 children and trying to juggle testing and testing is almost impossible.  The testing time takes a long time per student.  There are 2 weeks  per testing time at least that go by in which very little actual teaching is done.  That averages out to 6 weeks in the entire year.  That is not acceptable.

A great deal of instruction time is used to test especially with F&P.

F&P gives me the most information, but it is so subjective. It would be nice to have a multiple choice test to go along with the oral part.

I think I would really like the MAP if I had anytime to look at the results collaboratively. And had access suggestions from the company about  instruction/strategies that work to show improvement. F&P is ok, but it is so subjective. It is terrible for grouping kids and moving them around because every teachers opinion is soooo different. It works to inform me of students I work with, but not sorting.

I feel like it is extremely disruptive  to continuously be pulled out of the classroom to be "quick trained" in any new tests/initiatives that comes along. 

I am disappointed at how haphazardly everything in our district is thought about meaningfully PRIOR to implementation and expecting teachers and students to take instruction time to assess.  Many assessments overlap or don't provide useful results for lesson planning and or instructional purposes.  Not to mention we don't have accurate time at the elementary level to meet with our colleagues to properly disaggregate data and use in a purposeful way.  Unfortunately when you have to walk students to and from other classes and prepare for the variety of courses that we teach there is not ample (at least 60 to 90 minutes) time to meet and plan to discuss data.  I have assessed more than I have taught this school year yet I utilize very little of the acquired data to inform my instruction.  Also, the district needs to have 1 purpose and 1 vision in utilizing data and take a proactive approach to making sure that the mandated assessments align with that purpose and vision.


SRI does not have stability; therefore, the data generated cannot be used to inform instruction.

Data collection is overwhelming me.  While discussing data and interventions are central  parts of a TBT, I feel the time committed to it has overshadowed team commitment to collaboration and creativity in teaching.  I worry about the stress  we are putting on our children .and feel guilty when our 1-1 time is spent using an assessment tool instead of in conversation making connections as people.

We have to give mandated tests that have over 3,000 data points to enter.  It's too much.

The F&P provides very detailed and good information about student reading development however they can take over an hour per student to complete. I have 17 high ability readers in my reading class and the last F&P took a little over 18 hours. That's 3 weeks of reading instructional time....good information but too much lost instruction.

Testing environment is horrible, especially for computer-based assessments.  The SRI is NOT a valid indicator of a student's comprehension, plus it does not include extended response questions.  ASSESSMENTS ARE INVADING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME.  As professionals, we know which students are struggling without obtaining so much data. 

F and P is best.  We need 2 days before school starts to F and P all students.  Then we need 1-2 days in the middle of the year.  And 1 day at the year's close.  Too many sub days is harmful to all.  One cannot responsibly administer this valuable test and teach.  It is unethical and irresponsible.  One cannot not supervise and test.

SRI is strictly inferential material so students get it or don't.  MAP is a waste of time. F&P is good but almost impossible for teachers to give individually


Way too much testing!!!

We are using too many assessments that interfere with being able to teach or plan lessons that involve rigor, relevance and are inquiry based.  Furthermore,  many students with IEPs need small group or one to one testing.  This requires large amounts of time the Intervention Specialist is testing rather than planning,  teaching and or supporting their students.

F&P is an excellent test but too time consuming. It is unreasonable to suspend instruction time to administer test.

It is also unreasonable and unfair to give test to a student while the other students are in room.

However I do think the classroom teacher should administer to her own students.

The test is also subjective. Many students are recorded at a higher level and it is quickly discovered they are not. How will that affect SLO's?

F and P is not required in 5th grade although I was told it is a good diagnostic tool. MAP results do not seem to align with the results of other tests that have been administered. SRI seemed to be a good tool but is no longer required in 5th grade.

In regards to the tests I scored "Least Effective", I am not required to do them.

The prep time to prepare for these tests (especially MAP and DiBELS) require computers, set-up time and assisting students logging on. It takes four instructional days to test ELA and MATH.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Many of our computers do not allow students to log on, staff to log on and do not hold a charge.                                                           We do NOT have a computer lab.

In addition, there has been no training on accurately reading the results of the MAP testing.                                                                  In addition, our understanding from the last training was we will be using PARCC testing (also on computers).  This is redundant and either PARCC or MAP should be the sole test to measure growth.

We are losing an ENORMOUS amount of teaching time.

Special Education students often require small group or one on one testing which significantly impacts the amount of time an Intervention Specialist is then taken out of the classroom.  This is time that is used  to support students/teachers along with collaborating with colleagues to discuss student work and or progress or plan meaningful, rigorous, inquiry based lessons.

I am an ELA teacher and the other assessments do not apply to me.

These are the only tests I use for my grades.

We have asked for the math expressions assessments to be given in the form a, but were told we could only do form b because that was what was "decided" and we could do form a for informative purposes, basically because form b is flawed.

Math Expressions Test -Form B is easier to administer, but the information is not useful.  F & P target has moved further out of reach.  We must have Preschool classes on all elementary building to help us reach new standards. 

The state diagnostics in math and writing are so easy and scored so generously that all the students pass unless they are extremely low academically.


1) How well-trained do you feel in the Common Core?

Very well


Adequately well


Not well




2) Have you had time to work on "unpacking" the standards?

Plenty of time


Adequate time


Some time


No time


3) How well-trained do you feel with respect to the PARCC Assessments?


Very well


Adequately well


Not well




4) How well do you feel you've been trained in developing effective interventions?


Very well


Adequately well


Not well




5) How well do you feel you've been trained regarding the OTES process?


Very well


Adequately well


Not well






Compared to last year, how would you rate the time spent outside of your normal workday preparing for instruction and observation/evaluation

No difference


Slightly more


Significantly more


Rate your level of work-related stress

Low Stress


Moderate Stress


High Stress



The administration seems to be pitting teachers against each other. I have heard this often especially with time. Have assessments made, don't ask teachers to make them, pacing guides, etc. Stop reinventing the wheel all the time. Let's master what works  and that fits our population over a period of time. This causes stress, constant change!! The State provides enough. Also provide structure. I feel teamwork has not been really promoted and supported. We are told to work together, but it has been the opposite.

I feel like with so many new mandates I'm not getting anything done completely. Also that my time to develop quality, appropriate and responsive lessons and interventions has disappeared.     

The teacher mandates are increasing. The amount of time I spend on work at home is growing and makes me unhappy. The paper work and assessing is too much. These are young kids who don't sit 21/2 hours to take a state test. We don't do this during our school day so why would I expect this anyway?  

Too many initiatives:  IB, slo, may expressions, map, otes, etc.

thinking of a career change... the amount of paperwork by both state and district combined has little to do with helping children succeed in the classroom.  This is not why I became a teacher.     

In the fifth grade last year we departmentalized. This year we are not departmentalized and teaching every subject in the fifth grade where the curriculum is so demanding is almost an impossible task. It is my strong opinion that last years fifth graders received a much more organized and effective education due to departmentalization and our OAA scores reflected that! Why do we get rid of things when they have proven to be successful?! 

I never cared if the principal was in or out of the building but this year when I know they are out I am less stressed!  Hmm.....  (Not a reflection on the principal, just a reflection on "walk-throughs".  

Last year the stress of the job was overwhelming.  Without the help and advice of the union, my doctor, a psychologist and a psychiatrist I would not be working this year.  Now I can recognize the stress indicators and cope with the stress, still recognizing that it is still very present and worrisome.         

I take work home almost every day.  I also very seldom take a lunch break, I need to work through lunch in order to be prepared to for my lessons.   

In addition to observation planning (pre-conference questions), responding to observations, TBT, and administering computer based tests with computer that don't connect to wireless I have a student who is very disruptive and taxes a lot of instructional time.     

The morale of our building is extremely low and thus the stress level is overly high across the board.     

Our school is working toward IB certification. We spend lots of time writing planners and there is an overload with the SLO, evaluation process and the need to write and follow IB. Something has to give and IB would make sense.     

I do not know how teachers who have children at home can do their job with all of the demands this year and be a good parent.  Evaluations, observations, TBT meetings and paper work. I am taking much more home this year and I can't seem to keep my head above water.  Teacher's comments are that they need to find another profession.  It is not about the students but how can the State of Ohio get you.       

We need time built in to our days to effectively plan for IB/STEM units as well.  TBTs are mandated as OIP work and not time is dedicated to other initiatives.         

I have a strong work ethic and take pride in my job and care a lot about my students.  However, I feel more and more that my job is more about testing and compliance paperwork than actual teaching.  All of this testing, 5 step process, IB etc etc etc is actually taking away from my students growth and education rather than enhancing it.  I am so overwhelmed with completing all the "extra" that I no longer have the time or desire to create engaging and enriching lessons for my students.  Despite my best efforts, I increasing feel like a mediocre teacher.  I'm working harder than ever beforfe and seeing less's a defeating feeling.  

With the switch to IB, teachers are now working on Common Core and IB (which have opposites opinions on some things). 5th grade teachers are now teaching every subject with three OAA's to prepare for , including Science that seems to be a non factor subject grade until 5th grade (in many cases, not all). The only subject that we have a set curriculum for is Math. The other 3 subjects, I am making up as a I teach with many different resources. This is time consuming and very difficult especially when we are asked to do IB, OTES, SLOs, TBT, Second Step and everyday lessons on top of this.

I believe one of the most frustrating parts is that in every 'training' we have, we are never give work time (or enough) to actually begin to create and work on what we need to. We learn something and then by the time all the questions and confusion is sorted out- we have no time we begin working on what we actually need to get done, we are then forced to do at other times (which is taking away from time to plan meaningful and strong lessons) For example: IB training in the summer, SLO training in January.      

Trying to keep a "portfolio" of evidence for ETES is almost a full time job in and of itself.   Trying to keep up on the week to week assessments is almost an impossible job for one person. Teaching has become one of the most stressful jobs in the nation.

I feel that my relationships with the kids is suffering, and my teaching quality.

I recognize the necessity to be compliant with mandates but I believe some are doing so blindly.  We must thoughtfully consider the best way to instruct our child and how to comply with consideration to overall learning. 

Thank you.    

The OTES piece is very time-consuming. I am also disappointed to see that everyone seems to be getting the same ranking when there are clear differences in teaching ability.

Testing every three months F&P's  and Maps. along with IEP's, ETR"S, report cards, Progress reports, TBT's and assessments from TBT's , Then throw in interventions and data collection.         

 most stress from IEP writing demands     

OTES has added to my out of school work demands     

I am living on calming pills.  I feel as though I am playing catch up every day.

I have a total of 30 children with 6 distinct groups per day which is totally overwhelming.  I am not able to adequately plan and meet the needs of all my students which is my greatest concern.  We need more time and more help.  Then add in OTES, all the testing, SLO's and we are given a task which is impossible to complete.  

The expectations at this time are totally unreasonable.  

It's not the mandated assessments that are causing me stress and concern.  It is the other ways I need to spend my time in and out of the classroom.  Everything that is new this school year is challenging to manage and implement.  We have Second Step that is now the teacher's responsibility, IB units, the LLI program, OTES, eTPES, Math program, and the TBT process.  There is probably something that I am missing.  I can do it all, but I feel like none of it gets my full attention to implement well.           

There is extreme high stress in our jobs and it is not improving. There is not enough time in our day to complete everything and do it well.  I don't know about other people but I'm tired of working through lunch and at home!!!!  Stop the madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      

I no longer have a social life, and I am seriously considering a career change.          

This year has been crazy. I can take responsibility for a new building and grade level, that would have been hard enough. But otes, maps, parcc, slo, infinite campus, changing tests calendars, I cant take it. I haven’t felt prepared to teach a day yet.     

This school year I have seen many specialists and it was suggested by each one that I consider a different career to alleviate the stress that is induced by my job.  Yes, quite a bit of the stress can be attributed to ODE but most of it is due to CHUH doing things in a retroactive fashion and not thinking about how the children are impacted.  This district acts like it cares about what is best for children but the ones who care are those who are literally stressed out...the classroom teacher.  We are stressed because gone are the days when we actually build relationships and get to know each child as a learner and human being since we feel compelled to meet so many deadlines and close achievement although we have too many initiatives in order to do anything successfully.  In my building alone, we are implementing a new math curriculum, trying to learn about IB while creating and implementing planners and teaching IB terminology, learning and administering new assessments such as MAP, learning and living through TBT Protocols, OTES, and SLO's when we should have been doing TBT Protocols almost a decade ago.  Not to mention we are expected to teach the core curriculum (Tier 1 of RtI), intervene on the core (Tier 1 of RtI still since ALL children have access to reteaching), intervene in areas where children come to us with holes and gaps (Tier 2 of RtI which is IMPOSSIBLE and UNREALISTIC for any classroom teacher to accomplish since Tier 2 means "in addition to the core"), determine all of the interventions without SAT support since that process has been placed solely on the laps of teachers, learn without proper instruction (like we would instruct children with the gradual release of responsibility) and implement all of these new tasks SUCCESSFULLY, and do so without any support.  The additional amount of paperwork that is expected is astronomical and unrealistic for elementary teachers to complete successfully within the scope of the school day or putting in at least 1 additional hour a day in the building.   

I noticed at the recent district SLO training that teachers had a disconnect between what tool they use to assess the SLOs and other benchmarks will impact their OTES evaluations.  I heard teacher remark that they would use SRI and SMI to establish and revisit baselines for SLO work.  That simply does not make sense when those assessments lack the stability needed to show student growth.  Some teachers are not grasping the big picture, and I have to wonder if that is because our PDs, in district, are not able to capture that for the teacher audience. (That is NOT to say that the presenters were not informed on their topics, because they were).       

The recent training session I completed from the State on the SLO was incredibly poor.  The methodology and match of work to grade level wasn't there.  The method of presentation was something I would have never done to my own class.          

While I have spent huge amounts of time preparing , this preparation is in no way enhancing my teaching.  In fact, the preparation , designed to show the principal the minutia of my thought process as I present a lesson, detracts from the time I can spend planning presentation/discovery that should happen while students are learning.  In order to plan for an observation I have no choice but to simplify the lesson.  Students are paying the price.

So much time is spent on district and state mandated assessments and data collection that really has very little to do with instructing students. I feel cheated out of valuable time to plan effective lessons that have real impact on student progress. TBT's are spent analyzing data and completing administrative demands when it would be much more beneficial to be collaborating and planning instruction for students. Although it is critical to have useful assessments to drive instruction, it is counter productive when assessments exceeds instruction, or is useless for the instruction process.  Then it becomes data to provide justification for someone's job.

Stressful because it is unclear what is expected.

With all of the new assessments and the OTES evaluation system I am spending much more of my weekends working on these items in lieu of grading papers.  What ultimately happens is that less papers get graded and more time is spent on items that are not directly related to the ongoing achievement of my students.     

The stress is having complete accountability without any authority. I am concerned with the loss of instructional time and planning time. If I am to be held solely accountable for student growth then I need to be able to teach and plan for teaching. Too much of my time is spent giving assessments, planning for assessments, creating the "right" posters and displays in my classroom for IB, going through what seems to be senseless paperwork for TBT, learning new standards, new programs (we change things every year). trying to figure out how to complete report cards that no longer align to the common core standards, debriefing with parents who are confused as to why we won't be teaching standards that show up on our outdated report cards, the list goes on and on. I missed over 3 weeks of ELA to administer the F&Ps last  trimester and another week to administer the Diagnostics.  Our instructional time with students is shrinking and yet our accountability grows. For example: this week I have a substitute during ELA to meet with someone to participate in "mock interviews" for IB. I need to be with my students and focused on student learning! Most of us are also taking coursework to meet the new requirements for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee (Reading Endorsement) as well. With the decrease in planning time and the increase of workload done at home in addition to coursework necessary, most teachers are working through every evening and weekend...I know I am. I feel that the CHUH administration is confused in general and that confusion filters down to the teachers. I don't know of one single teacher who is not trying to get out of teaching.        

I find myself planning, creating and buying more than in other years. I spend about 8 hrs on Saturday and Sunday preparing for the week. I spend about $100 a month on materials for the classroom because I was moved to a new grade and implementing common core in that new grade. I had very few materials. If I was in a position to leave the teaching profession I would. It is not the children but the demands that have been placed on me. I am treated less than a professional and feel like teachers are reprimanded when we try to stand up for ourselves. I feel unappreciated, underpaid and taken advantage of because I have a heart for children.    

I find it difficult to balance additional responsibilities (TBT, IB, OTES, ETPES, etc.) with the teaching/planning part of my day.       

Need more time.  Time.  Time.  Working through lunch every day.  OTES takes up more time.  Lack of working tech makes admin of MAP difficult.  Too many prof development.  BLT and TBT Training have been painful, boring and wasteful.  I wish we could get inspired and talk about engaging teaching.  And not how great Parma and Lakewood are doing with all their DATA discussions.

The amount of assessments combined with paperwork is significantly impacting time to prepare rigorous, relevant and creative lesson plans.  Furthermore, we spend more time trying to figure out how to fill out the 5 step process paper during TBT versus actually getting to speak about students and their work.  This is causing our conversations to digress rather than progress.  Utilizing data to direct instructional decisions is important but not at the expense of losing valuable collaboration and communication times with grade level team members.  This is causing an extremely high stress environment where professionals are not productive when they are working because they are so overwhelmed with tasks that are physically impossible to complete.      

This year is one of the most stressful work years of my 16 year career.           

Testing demands are the most stressful and time consuming. It takes away from real learning.        

I have been teaching for 13 years and this year is by far the hardest and most stressful. The amount of paper work, forms, assessments and procedures is overwhelming. Most of the things I am being required to do are not about my students and their education but rather about completing forms for a process for someone to review.         

I use the results of assessments to craft instruction and feel very comfortable with the data that is yielded by FP and SRI. While I am not opposed to change, the new MAP testing has not been as helpful to me since I have not been able to thoroughly investigate all its ramifications and how to effectively use the results. There have been  so many  new initiatives like, OTES, SLO, IB writing, and MAP,CCSS, and PARCC that it has taken away from instruction. 

Days out of classroom for PD are more work in preparing for subs.

BLT work seems forced. I don't feel like I get anytime in a normal day to plan. I would love a true planning time with my team.

Too much time filling out OTES forms and 5 step plans. Who has time to look at CC? I use to love being a teacher! I don't feel like I get to do it very much anymore. 

My entire evenings, weekends and breaks are consumed with work.  Their is no end to all the work!   

Here's how I feel, Please take something off the plate for every three things that are added!!!         

I feel like I have the paperwork demands of a corporate job on top of being a teacher. Time to prep the material and supplies for lessons is lost to meetings and paperwork. Planning and discussing is good, but when you have to meet to be ready for the meeting I feel like the meeting is a show for all the work we have already done outside of the meeting. We have a very powerful group of professional teachers, I just want to teach.

Nothing I want to put in writing. I would be happy to talk about it in a confidential conversation. I love my new assignment . I think OTES avery morning when I wake up.            

All of the numerous new initiatives on top of OTES are over-whelming. As an ELA teacher, I teach multiple grades and have been EXPECTED to attend the 8 TBTs per month (4 per grade level) even though only 4 are mandated contractually. The several new initiatives & all the testing have added extreme stress to an already stressful job. I work a 12-14 hour day Mon-Fri and work 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday.

High stress leads to lower productivity and low morale.  Each year more and more is being asked to accomplish with little to no time provided to complete what is being asked.  It is impossible to keep taking from an individual professionally with an expectation they also sacrifice themselves personally.  There is a clear divide amongst the people in the trenches and administration rather than a collaborative effort to improve relations in an effort to have high expectations and aspirations for our students.       

This is my first year in the district, so I am unable to compare to last year.       

Pressures to get my reading endorsement on top of the typical 12 hour day I work , coupled with the new OTES expectations have made for a beyond-stressful year.    

No other profession goes home with the burden of the workplace.  Teaching has consumed our lives.  Elementary teachers have so much on our plates, something must go in order for our students to have better learning opportunities.  CHUH has not been very organized in this year with PD and getting our teachers well prepared for OTES.  CHUH also needs to politely tell older teachers to retire because they are bogging down the TBT process and are little to no help in maintaining a successful team. 

IB planning is overwhelming and does not fit with common core!          

I feel like I spend more time assessing students than actually instructing them.  Many kindergarten assessments are given individually (there's no way around this).           

The amount of paper work is ridiculous. More and more is piled on for TBT, OTES, PLP, RIMPS, etc. without time to complete it.      

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