1. What items count as hours towards renewal of my license?
ER&D courses, graduate coursework in education or content area from an accredited institution; workshops and conference that you attend where professional development units are offered. 180 PDUs = 18 CEUs = 6 semester hours.
2. What is ER&D?
Our local has instructors who were trained nationally by the AFT in different courses that have been developed nationally. These courses make high level research available to classroom teachers. In our district, teachers holding a masters degree who take ER&D courses earn the equivalent of post-graduate hours toward salary credit for a nominal fee.
3. Do I get paid for after hours training?
All in-service offerings outside of the normal work day are voluntary and compensated. The hourly rate is $23. If you are presenting or facilitating an approved in-service training outside the normal workday, the hourly rate is $36. Approved presenter preparation is $23 per hour.
4. What about “essential training?”
In the 2013 contract the District is allowed to send us to training outside of the normal work day or calendar year if they give members four months’ notice ahead of time. This training is paid at the $23/hr professional development rate. Only a few programs for pathways preparation fall into this category: International Baccalaureate, AVID, OIP, PBIS, Equity Training, Advanced Placement (High School only), and Career Tech Training. Additionally, there is limit of seven days of training every five years. Of course, there are also mandated times we have to work for curriculum night, parent conferences, and professional development days during the school year.
5. Do I get paid when attend an evening performance or other after hour duties?
You need pre-approval from your principal to get paid for attending an evening performance to supervise students. The rate is $23/hr
6. Do I get paid when I cover a class?
Yes. You may be required by your administrator to cover a class. At the elementary level, if there is no sub provided for art, music, gym, or media you will receive payment for covering that class. (see Rates of Pay FAQ)
7. How many staff meetings are there?
10 per year. Principals may call an additional two meetings during the school day per year as well as emergency meetings. Staff meetings shall begin 10 minutes after student dismissal and shall end no later than 60 minutes later. All departmental, pupil services, and grade level meetings must be held during the normal work day.
8. How do I figure out how many sick and personal days I have?
On your bi-weekly pay record you will see the number of hours you have for each type of day. Divide the hours you have by 7.5 and that is how many days you have. Teachers should see 3 personal days (for weddings, graduations, etc. or personal business that cannot be performed at any other time) on their first pay stub.
9. How are sick and personal days accumulated?
You will earn 15 sick days a year. You may have up to as many as 5 personal days. If you did not use your personal days they will carry over to the next year-with a maximum of five days. Any days over 5 will either be converted to sick days or you will be paid the substitute daily rate (depending on the decision initially made when you were hired).
10. What if a situation arises when I need to use a personal day right before or after a holiday or a vacation?
Call our union office to see if your situation warrants a special request to the Board of Education.
11. What do I do if I need to leave early for a class or an appointment?
We have a provision that allows you to have a colleague cover your class, but it requires supervisor approval.
12. What are the rights of non-tenured teachers if their contracts are non-renewed?
They have none. In the event of a non- renewal for performance, there are hearing rights before the Board, but there is no legal remedy for the non-renewal unless there were procedural flaws in the evaluation process.
13. What do members have to do to get tenure?
Teachers licensed before January 2011 must have been employed as a limited contract teacher in the district for 3 of the last 5 years and be properly licensed/certificated. Licensed after January 2011 a member must hold a professional license for at least 7 years and have worked in CHUH at least 3 .
All must have earned at least 30 semester hours of graduate coursework from an accredited institution that has been submitted before March 20. Or, if initially licensed with a Masters Degree must earn at least 6 hours of credit. If they had tenure somewhere else they will be eligible in 2 years.
update 8.18