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CHTU Updates

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back from a well deserved and very much needed spring break. I hope you are rejuvenated and energized for the final nine weeks of the school year.  

Union Social 

On April 21 from 4-6:30 we will host our Union Social at CLE Urban Winery, 2180 Lee Rd.  You won’t want to miss out on this fun event, which will include door prizes, raffles, free food, and one free drink for each member. Please see this flier for all the information and respond by April 17th.


OFT is proud to have endorsed Berea Federation of Teachers member Pat Davidson. Pat has a positive vision for STRS


Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday we sent a communication to members of the CHTU Executive Board with an emergency solidarity action request.  We did not provide an explanation due to time restraints but did not want to leave for the weekend without communicating the reason.

The call to action was sent to show solidarity in this climate of excessive discipline.  This week two of our members were placed on paid administrative leave.  We have had eight members placed on paid administrative leave this year with six of them being disciplinary.  Paid administrative leave used to be reserved for extreme


Dear Colleagues,

There are 15  work days until spring break, but who’s counting? I know all of us need a break from the demands this job is putting on all of us. Union leadership is committed to promoting changes that must happen for our staff to work in safe and healthy environments. Some of our priorities right now are improvements in working conditions for Intervention Specialists,,ensuring proper staffing for next year, contesting unwarranted disciplinary consequences issued to our members, and attempting to settle nine outstanding grievances.  A big thank you goes out to all of you for


Dear Colleagues,

Please read through our important updates.  Also if you have not yet signed up for the spring ER&D there is still time.  You can do so by registering here.  There will be many offerings in the summer as well but ER&D offers high quality and useful PD and is taught  by our teachers at a very reasonable price.

“Written Up”  What Does this Mean?
Often our teachers hear “You will be written up if….”  So what does this really mean?  This scare tactic is not reality.  Our teachers by contract have the right to due process.  Administration can call a fact-finding if they believe an


Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back from your winter break.  Monday, January 16, 2023 is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which means that all CHUH schools are closed.  Please look for an email later this week from our ER&D coordinator, Monica Rogers regarding  the courses that will be available this spring and summer.

Medical Mutual
Over break you should have received new insurance cards. If you did not receive your new cards please contact Medical Mutual and request the new cards. 

You will notice a small decrease in your pay effective with the January 13th pay date. This is due to an 8% increase in


Dear Colleagues,

This is officially the “Lame Duck” session when legislators push through bills that have profound consequences yet only receive minimal input or scrutiny.

Three bills that had hearings this week are of special interest. They represent the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. 

The GOOD – HB 497 would end punishing third graders by retaining them in third grade because of their test scores. This long needed modification of the Third Grade Guarantee passed the House with flying colors and was endorsed by the State Board of Education with 18 yes votes. We cannot let it die in the senate


Dear Colleagues,

Please read the following updates.   

IMPACT Employee Assistance
The holiday season is often joyous, but for many of us, it can be an extremely difficult time.  This year may be even more difficult when you add in the effects of the global pandemic and extreme student behaviors we have been dealing with for the past 2+ years.

The CH-UH Employee Assistance Program through IMPACT Solutions is a benefit that is free to all employees of our district.  IMPACT can connect members who need assistance with the correct information, resources, and referrals.  Services include access to


November 10, 2022

Post Clutch

Dear Colleagues:

We frequently hear that elections matter.  The November 8th election mattered, and the results are unsettling.  The future of collective bargaining, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, the environment, and fair elections are all in doubt.  Many of us are left scratching our heads, because human rights should never be on the chopping block.  Voter turnout for the midterm elections was low and quite disappointing.  For those of us hoping for a blue wave, we are left with a few ripples in a puddle.  

What happens next?  As always, our solidarity is needed to


Dear Colleagues,

Please read through all the updates below. There is a lot of important information that we want all members to know. 

Public School Works
Recently you have received an email from the HR department regarding Public School Works online training.  Under  our contract the district can mandate  4 hours annually of PD during the student day unless PD occurs  in ½ day or full day increments.  Elementary and middle school will exceed  their 4 hours of allowed PD once the Public School Works requirements are completed.  The district has been made aware of the possible contract violation


Dear Colleagues,

Recently my family experienced  a health crisis that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  Fortunately, my husband survived and is now living with a manageable but serious chronic condition. The lessons I learned are that tomorrow is never promised, and know your health warning signs before it’s too late.  There is so much for us to learn about our health care benefits and there are some benefits available that I never thought about until it became my reality last week.  If you don’t have a primary care physician (PCP) or you haven’t been to the doctor in a while please sign up