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CHTU Updates


CHTU Update 7.7.20

Dear Colleagues,

Summer is going by fast.  We have already seen the 4th of July come and go.  So much is happening with preparations going into next year and negotiations .  We wanted to update you on what we have been working on so you can begin to plan financially and professionally. 


Covid Survey:

The district sent out a survey to all staff about returning to school next month.  We want our members to complete a survey so we know what our members need and want.  Use this link to go to the CHTU return to school survey.  We have some questions to ask that did not


I hope you are all enjoying your summer as we quickly approach the 4th of July weekend.  We have a lot going on here at the office between negotiations, re-entry plans and member issues. I hope you read your negotiations update from Ari last week.  If someone says to you they are not getting this email tell them to check their spam.  We use Mailchimp and some emails put it directly into your spam folder.

CHUH Health Plan Benefits related to COVID-19.
All testing, treatments and telehealth visits are covered under our plan just as any other service would be.


You may have been following


Dear Colleagues,

If you are feeling anything like I am, you are ready for a 3 day weekend, especially after enduring the temperatures in many of our buildings.  There seems to be two extremes: 40 degrees or 90 degrees.  I will never understand why climate control can’t be a priority in our schools. 

Salary Step Advancement
If you took coursework over the summer please submit your credit hours to HR by September 15 for salary credit. Do you expect to be eligible for a continuing contract (tenure) this year by completing coursework before March 20? Let your supervisor know,even if your official


Dear Colleagues,

I hope you have found some balance in this hybrid environment. The students that have returned seem to be adjusting, and hopefully, they are glad to be back in your classrooms.  If you can believe it, we are almost in the 4th quarter.  Somehow this school year felt neverending, and yet it moved on so quickly.  I know I am anxious for all this to end and just return to  “normal”.  So much has changed for all of us this year, and you adjusted like true professionals.   

New insurance deduction:

This month you will see the new negotiated insurance deduction from your pay.  This


Dear Colleagues,

Well, we finally made it to the first day back at work for this challenging start of the 2020-21 school year.  I know many of you are already hard at work preparing your actual classrooms, virtual classrooms, and planning for your students.  I have complete confidence in our members to tackle this year head-on and continue your stellar work. I want to update you on a few issues as we move forward.


The Letter of Understanding (LOU) relating to on-line instruction is nearing completion.  I have daily meetings with Superintendent Kirby, and she has been responsive to the


Dear Colleagues,

So much has changed since our last update.  We are relieved that the BOE came to the decision to start the school year remotely for all of our staff and students.  We believe this is the only way to ensure the safety of everyone in our schools.  At last night’s board meeting they decided that we would be remote for 9 weeks.

Going Remote

We are hammering out an agreement on working conditions for the period of remote teaching.  We believe that our current contract addresses most of our working conditions on meetings, schedules and work hours.  However, working remotely has some


Dear Colleagues,
So much has happened since our last update.  There were over 200 people watching the board meeting on Tuesday.  We have heard so many of your concerns and we are working daily in our office to address them with administration.  We appreciate all your feedback. Your safety and the safety of our students is our priority.

Unfair Labor Practice (ULP)
Last week we all received our salary notices for the upcoming 20/21 school year.  We were hoping that they were sent in error as salary advancements based on experience steps were not  included, but it was confirmed by Superintendent

Good news on a gloomy day.
Congratulations to the following members who earned a continuing contract (tenure) at the virtual board meeting last night.  Their new status goes into effect at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.
In Union,
Ari Klein
CHTU President




Baum, Rebecca


Speech Language Pathologist

Bell, Christine 

Canterbury Elementary School

School Counselor

Chen, Ya-Hua

Monticello Middle School

Chinese Teacher

Cohen, Eric 

Fairfax Elementary School

Gifted Intervention Specialist-4/5 Split

Cooper, Kelly

Gearity P. D. School

Intervention Specialist-CC

Hershman-Rossi, Daniel



Dear Colleagues,

Looks like we are going to make it past our first COVID 19 closure week.
After work hours today starts Spring Break.  Enjoy - as much as you can.  I am sure your plans for break have probably changed from several weeks ago - I know mine and Karen's have.
If you are in an emergency bind for money from your credit union account email or Josephine Shelton-Townes ( to make arrangements.  As you saw in today's life cycle Debbie's husband Jeff passed away today, so Josephine or Carole Dooner will probably do their best to help you out. 

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to interesting times.
As we try to take care of ourselves and our families we also need to think ahead for the welfare of our students.
The digital divide, even if students have access to wifi and a computer will probably be exacerbated by school closure.  I don't believe any of us are under the impression that student learning is going to be the same from whatever brilliant remote lessons we concoct as it would be if face to face.  To that end, I encourage you to focus not on typical work during this time, but rather we should give students enrichment opportunities, open